Chapter 15 - Emotions

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My heart is still in an almost painful state of excitement, as Miles and I coast down a long, empty road. We must have been riding this thing for at least 20 minutes now. I don't mind the long drive. It gives me time to think about Alexander, and the almost-was kiss.

Miles has been singing dramatically to every song that comes on the radio, and when he doesn't know a song, or know the lyrics to a song, he makes them up until I'm in a fit of laughter and tears.

"I came in like a rainbow... All I wanted was a rolo bar ♫" He sings to Miley Cyrus and I let out a snort. "Hey, Lay- You think we can stop at a gas station or something? I'm starving."

"Yeah." I nod, turning the radio down. "Tell me when you see one."

I had agreed to do all the driving, because Miles was currently on restriction by his parents. Apparently if they found out he drove out of town in this thing, he'd get grounded until graduation. 

"There's one over there." He points to a circle K, about a mile down the road. 

We pull into the empty parking lot, and I park the car, shutting off the engine. 

"Want anything?" He asks, jumping out of his seat. I shake my head in response, and watch as he jogs into the store. 

I've never had much of a relationship with Miles, but I can tell you this - the kid is a nerdy girl's wet dream. He absolutely adores video games, but not so much that it intervenes with his personal life. He's got a secret blog, where he archives the hilarity of his life. He loves soccer, but sucks at playing it, and he's been best friends with Aaron since pre-K. When I asked him about Aaron, he told me:

"Aaron is like.. really complicated, I guess. I've known him so long that it doesn't bother me, because I can tell when he's upset. I can tell when somethings going wrong in his life, or when he's cool and everything's great. But with others, he doesn't let them see that side of him. His dad was the football coach at WestWoods, and he doesn't allow weakness from his son, so Aaron doesn't show any."

It made me curious about Aaron. Out of the entire group, I know him the least. We've talked a few times since we met, but just basic stuff. Chatting about the Seahawks and 49ers playoff for a spot in the superbowl, explaining to him a chunk of Algebra homework that he didn't understand, and I think once we talked about salad. Other than that, I don't know anything about him. I don't even know his last name.

I watch Miles browse the chip section, and take my free time to check my ugly mug out in the visor mirror. I look pale, as usual. But my cheeks are radiating an almost florescent pink. I can still feel Alexander's lips on my forehead and it gives me chills. 

"Stay away from Webster". He had demanded. I don't know why- if it's out of jealousy or what- but I was seriously contemplating following his request. I feel terrible for Corey, and I wish he wasn't stuck in that horrible fake relationship with Erica. I'll tell him this weekend that I can't see him anymore. 

I let out a shaky sigh and flip the visor up just in time. Miles comes swaggering out of the gas station with a burrito hanging from his mouth. He stops and gives me this big cheesey smile when he sees me, and I can't help but grin back. He's adorable. 

"Alright, let's get going." He straps himself in, and I can already smell the heavenly scent of that burrito floating my way. I was hungry- starving, really. But I decided I'd wait until we reached Brendan's house. He usually has almonds laying around, or something.

We drive for what feels like hours, until we reach a lining of trees. Moderate sized houses peak from behind the protection of forests, and I feel like it's going to be impossible to find his address- that is until Miles points at one specific house that I can barely see, thanks to the barricade of branches.

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