Chapter 45 - Slumber Party

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The lump in my throat grows and grows as we walk down the dim hallways. People are staring at me- lots of them. And I'm totally used to people staring at me, so the fact that their gazes are creeping me out, is something to be concerned about.

I hover close to Aaron's side, and I want to smack myself for seeming like such a scared, needy little bitch. But I totally fit that description right now. Chills are creeping up my arms and down my legs. They're doing the hokey-pokey and shimmying their way up my spine. Ugh, creepy.

Aaron ignores the hand that grips the soft fabric of his shirt. I don't want to get lost- that's all. Especially in a disturbing ass place like this. I cling to him, following behind like a little duckling.

Brantley's striding along ahead of us, and if there's one thing that's scarier than this funny farm, is Alexander's raging emotions. I'm worried about Layla too, but he's down-right lost it.

We walk for what feels like a long time, until we reach a row of large transparent cubes. They're separated from one another, by about 10 feet. Honestly, it looks more like an experimental lab than a coo-coo club.

"Erica." A familiar voice sends a static shock through my body and I fall behind the others. I don't want to walk any closer. I don't want to see his face.

"Why don't you wait outside?" Aaron whispers, lifting the small of my chin in his buff fingers.

"I'm fine, jock-strap." I snort with a lie, shoving past him.

You dumb bitch, why the hell did you do that? Is your pride seriously worth it right now?

I can feel the concern from Aaron's eyes, warming my back like the sun. I swallow the lump in my throat, but it feels like a sponge, and it doesn't move an inch. My arms cross over my chest, and my lips twitch as I struggle to contain an emotion-less expression.

"Webster." I spit, and my words sound like acid. He stares down at me, his blonde hair gone- freshly trimmed in a buzz-cut fashion. His face is sunken a bit, but for the majority, he looks almost the same as the day I had met him. Only, more deadly.

He smacks a hand against the glass, and I flinch. My shoulders rise up, and my head ducks down, and before I know it, I'm clenching my teeth until they hurt. Once I realize that the noise was harmless, I creep out of my stance like a turtle from the safety of it's shell.

Corey's grinning at me. He enjoys seeing me scared. He's soaking it up. He's revelling in it.

"Fuck you!" I nearly scream, a 3-inch thick wall of glass the only thing separating us.

Aaron shifts himself in front of me, and for once I'm grateful for his cocky over-bearing behavior. I bury my face in his back, exhaling my fear into the sweet scent of his cotton shirt.

"Aw, babe?" Corey coos sarcastically. "You've moved on already?"

"Let me in." Aaron speaks calmly, his narrow eyes fixated on the maniac in front of us.

"You sure, man? You know he's-" Fox begins, but he's cut short by the raspy agitated voice of Alexander.

"Open it."

Fox lets out a deep sigh, and reaches for the electronic device fastened to the door. He taps a few buttons, and soft beeping tones tease at my ear drums. The door swings open, and a familiar scent floods my mind.

"Stay here." Aaron demands, thought it was pretty fucking unnecessary. Like hell I'd get in that room with that freak.

I shuffle my way behind Officer Fox, and watch as Aaron's broad shoulders maneuver themselves past the narrow door. Corey stands his ground, a cocky, stupid smile lining his lips.

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