Chapter 47 - The Last Round

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I didn't take a second to watch Erica race to the lining of trees. I didn't have a second to spare. Once the door was closed snugly behind her, I bust through the closet, sending the opposite door flying open with a loud smack.

Guns immediately point in my direction, and I run. I run as fast as my legs will take me— and believe me, it's fast. Bullets echo through the darkness, but I feel no pain. So I keep running

I run until I'm bathed in light, centered in the middle of the football field. The small crowed of people watch with grim faces as the guns near my spot on the grass.

I swallow the sharp lump in my throat, and rock back on my heels.

"You're not one for fair play, are you Kellie?" I glance in her direction, eyeing the thick black weapons that near me inch by inch. I would make a run for it, but fast as I may be, I can't race a bullet.

"Well, Aaron.. it looks like you're the first player out."


The entire stadium fills with a booming vibration— like a buzzing alarm, forcing the entire structure to tremble against it's sound waves.

"Well, that's first round. Pull out boys! Give them 30 seconds to re-situate."

"Guns, Kellie? Are you fucking kidding me?" I bark as Kellie stands from her seat at the table. She walks cautiously towards the railings.

"I never said weapons weren't allowed. It's just a darn shame you don't have any. I suppose you'll have to join me~" She sings, draping her thin arms around the back of Layla's chair.

I can see Layla tense up. She's trying to compose herself with all her might, but no human could possibly stare death in the face and remain calm about it. Kellie pushes against the chair, sliding it closer and closer to the edge.

My jaw aches as my teeth grind against one another.

"Join you? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Why, come sit with me of course." She extrudes her lower lip into a playful pout. "I've always had the biggest crush on you, Aaron. Didn't 'cha know?"

Hard metal taps against my head. The masked men are growing impatient. 

"Fine." I breathe, raising my hands to the air. They lower their metal guns, seemingly disappointed that they weren't allowed a bullet to my skull. "I'll go."

I'm led up an elevator, trapped inside with four of the masked men. Kellie must have some serious ties if she's managed to get this many body guards to follow her every whim. They shove me out of the elevator with the blunt of their guns. I stumble out, immediately spotting Brendan.

I snort at his ridiculous outfit as I'm shoved past him. "Bummer."

It's not funny, Aaron. I know, it's not funny.

We're probably all going to die today.

I glance over the horizon as I'm led to a seat next to the spot that Brendan sits, perched on the ground like a slave. The trees overshadow everything beneath them. There's no way they caught Erica, and by the time they'd realize she's gone, she'd be home bound. 

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