Chapter 13 - Biology or Chemistry?

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God knows how, but after multiple smacks to the snooze button, I finally manage to pry my eyes open. The morning sun greets me with a blinding light, and I'm bathed in the toasty heat of my fluffy comforter.

Then it all comes back to me.

Holy shit, I told Alexander I liked him

.. After he bought me $10,000 worth of plus size clothing.

.. And picked me up from Corey's house when I was too much of a wreck to drive home.

My car!  

I race to the window to find my car parked safely outside my house. A receipt for a towing company is stuck to it's window. Alexander must have arranged for it to be picked up.

This is seriously too good to be true. I need to tell Brendan.

I nearly swim through my blankets in search for my cell phone.

"Where is it!" I huff, tossing blankets and pillows about, until I find the shiny device rested on my nightstand. Idiot.

I snatch it and quickly scan for incoming texts.

"6:30 AM

Miles: Hey Layla, wanna chill after school? I have to talk to you about something."

Miles? I hardly talk to Miles or Aaron at all, now that I think about it. We have our casual conversations, and they include me as their own, but I don't have much in common with them. I quickly tap the reply button and dance my fingers along the keyboard.

"7:13 AM

Me: Sure. Let's grab coffee or something."

That's it? I scroll through the rest of my texts, but there is absolutely nothing from Brendan. Now that I think about it, I haven't heard from him since we went out yesterday. 

I wiggle out of my pajamas, and struggle to put a bra on while holding the phone to my ear.

"Briiiing. Briiiiing. Briiiing. We're sorry, but the number you have-" I hang up to relieve myself of the annoying animatronic voice. Is his cell dead? Maybe he's still busy moving stuff into his new place.

I shrug off the strange feeling, and finished getting dressed. Then I remember janitorial duty, and suddenly I feel ill. I can't believe I told Alexander I liked him. I can't believe he's seen my stomach. I can't believe I've ugly-cried in front of him. What the hell am I doing? I've only known him a week or so. But who am I kidding? I'm totally in love.

I sigh and slip on some jeans and a basic t-shirt. I don't feel like trying to stick out today. I'd rather crawl back into that locker and wither away, than to be confronted once more by Erica's gang of "16 And Pregnant" cast members.

♫ ~ Do I wanna know, if this feeling floats both ways? Sad to see you go.. sort of hoping that you'd stay. ~♫

I grind my teeth at the ear bleeding volume and glance down at my cell phone. 

"New text message!" it flashes, and I contemplate dropping everything I'm doing for the chance that it might be Alex.

Get a grip.

Instead I finish applying makeup, and brushing out my long, curly, ramen-noodle hair. It always looks terrible fresh out of bed. 

Good girl. Now you can have your cell phone.

I snatch it from my night stand and immediately flick to the new text message.

"7:30 AM

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