Chapter 5 - The Turn-around

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"Why did I do it? Because I was fed up. I was tired of being the unwanted psycho bitch that Erica had turned me into. Plus, she deserved it. What kind of thirsty bimbo has the audacity to cheat on her boyfriend in an audience of like, well. The entire town pretty much. And in the end, I'm still made out to be the villain? I don't condone violence, but I'm tired of being the CheerNazi's shooting target."

"Right.. " The officer says, awkwardly. He has no idea what I'm talking about, and I know it, but I'm still high on adrenalin and my thought process is slacking off, if not absent.

"Well, you're lucky no charges were pressed, Miss Blue." He says, tapping his pen against his notepad. "The Lockly family has an outstanding legal shield around them. You could get in a lot of trouble, young lady."

Thanks, officer obvious. I had totally forgotten that I live in a town where folks use cash as napkins and coin currency doesn't exist.

"Your parents have been contacted, and you're free to go. Next time, walk it off, alright?"

I give him a grin that spews with sarcastic "duhh" and gather my things. Brendan is waiting for me in the next room.

"Hey, Million Dollar Baby. " He teases and I roll my eyes. I just want to go home and sleep. That party had about a thousand more people than I was comfortable with, and after I threw that punch, every one of them was staring at me. And now I'm getting strange glances from these freaks in the waiting room, too.

I'd never been in a police station before, but I can't say I've been missing out on much. Mostly just a bunch of old geezers, waiting to file a complaint about kids loitering in front of their houses.

"We should celebrate." Brendan suggests as we leave the station. "We could go to..."

His voice drowned out in my mind. I'm too busy eyeing the hunk in handcuffs, who's being led into the building. His short black hair is combed back, and his face is shadowed with just the right amount of facial hair. But what got my attention are the piercing blue eyes that stare directly at me. Eyes like the damn ocean, if the ocean were liquid sapphires mixed with just a pinch of "take me now".

I can feel my heart palpitating in my chest as he passes by, and he gives me this devilish grin. His canines are sharp and prod his lower lip. Not in a vampire kind of way, but you get the point. He's tall and slender, and perfect.

The officer leading him takes a firm grasp of his lower back, and guides him to move faster. He must be just as distracted as I was, because he stumbles forward and let's out a cackle.

"Careful, Johnny. You're verging on sexual harassment here. " His voice is deep, but smooth and rustic. I literally can't take my eyes off of him.

The officer looks away in embarrassment and removes his hand.

"Take him in." The officer calls to a woman at the door who guides the boy inside. He looks back at me with those deep blue eyes, and it's like the life is drained out of me.

"Did you hear a word I said or were you too busy rubber-necking that poor boy?" Brendan elbows me and I become aware of my drooling.

"Oh, eh. Yeah that sounds fine?" I don't sound convincing at all.

Brendan is a mischievous creature, I'll give him that. We go to a tiny pizza place in the shady part of town. Remember this place is luxury, so when I say shady I mean a normal, average, everyday shopping Plaza.

We take a seat at the retro 90s themed booth. It reminds me of the restaurant scene from Grease. Immediately I want to make like John Travolta and hide behind the menu. Why? Because Brendan has invited Damien and a few "friends" to dine with us. Tall, toned, charming young faces have entered the room and are gleefully making their way over to our table.

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