Chapter 37 - Mistakes

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"Layla, where are you? I'm really getting worried. Just please call me back, okay?" I sigh and hang up. Every call I've made has been going straight to her voice-mail. 

I pull my scarf over my neck and breath out a lung full of air. It rises towards the sky like smoke. 

I haven't seen Aaron or Layla in at least three days, and I'm worried to say the least. The school has been shut down for a week or so while they check out the murder scene, and usually Aaron would be dying to slam a snowball in my face, with weather like this.

I trudge through the snow in thick boots, but the insulation only helps so much. I'm shivering under my heavy winter jacket. Brendan had asked me to join him at the park, but I was an idiot to walk.

I mean, I guess not. I probably would have killed someone driving there.  

I'm about to cross the street to the park when a voice snags my attention.

Brendan and Damien are talking, and there's a smile lighting Brendan's face that I don't think I've ever seen before. My heart drops into the pit of my stomach.

I knew Damien would tell him, but he swore he wouldn't interfere. I was just trying to be a friend, and now I'm paying for it.

Go fucking figure.

"Why didn't you come?" Brendan frowns, his innocent face suddenly overwhelmed with sadness.

But, come on. He can't be that sad, right? The way he was smiling at Damien didn't say sad. 

I read something totally different from it.

"Didn't feel like it." I reply sharply and shove by him. It's hard to walk in the snow, but a walk is exactly what I need right now.

"Miles, wait-" Brendan grabs me by the arm and I shift back on my feet. 


"What's wrong?"

"Not a thing." I shrug my shoulders

"Well, where are you going?" Brendan asks, oblivious as ever to my sour mood.


"Can I come?" He clasps my hand, but I slip out of his grip.


I don't look back. I can't. I kick through the snow, my toes numb to the cold. I'm sure Brendan's upset, and part of me feels guilty for that.

But part of me knows he's never smiled that way with me.

He belongs with Damien.



"Layla, please. I need to talk to you. Please." Miles pleads. He sounds desperate, and upset. It takes all I have not to call him back immediately. 

"You know what's best for them." Zack gestures to me, and I glance up from the voice mail on my screen.

"I know, but- Maybe this is doing more damage than good."

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