Chapter 1

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(Turn back now. Bad grammar + spelling ahead and I'm too lazy to fix it.)

I just moved into SouthPark with my Grandma. Grandma and I were settling into our new home. So far I love my new room. It's bigger then my old room.

I finished unpacking in my room, so I went downstairs to help grandma unpack.

"Hey Grandma. What can I help you with?" I ask. "Can you unpack the living room?" She asks.

"Yeah. Ill get to it."

I walk into the living room to unpack. You may be wondering, 'why do you live with your Grandma' and to answer simply she hates my parents. So she took custody of me.

My Grandma is also pretty awesome! She's not like other grandmas. She's extremely fit. She can run a marathon, and not be exhausted. She's also really strong.

Anyway, I finished unpacking most of the living room when grandma calls me. "(Y/n)!!"

I walk back into the kitchen to see her holding a necklace "Here. I want you to have this." She says.

I look at her confused. "Okay? But why?"

"Because I want you have something to remind you of me while you're at school!" She smiles brightly, but her smile drops and, she says something under her breath that I couldn't hear. Her smile returned.

"Thank's Grandma!" I say smiling.
She hands me the necklace.

I put the necklace on and admire it. It has a dolphin and its little baby in a shape of a heart.

(You live in the house next to butters (Douche bags)) "It's time for bed now. I already bought your school supplies, so you don't need to worry about that. Have a good day tomorrow." Grandma says as she kisses my head goodnight.

"Goodnight Grandma." I say as I head up the stairs.

I get into some Pjs and hop into bed. 'I bet the other kids are nice.' I thought as I slowly closed my eyes.

How could you have known that you would be so very very wrong?


I woke up to my alarm going off. I groan. I get out of bed while rubbing my eyes.

I quickly get dressed, and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror. 'Ill skip brushing my hair today' I said in my head.

I head downstairs, and go into the kitchen to eat breakfast. I grab a bowl, a spoon, the milk, and a box of cereal. Then I pour, and eat quickly.

Grandma wasn't awake yet so I wrote her a note saying I love her, and that I went to school. I grabbed my backpack, and left.

I started walking to the bus stop. It wasn't that far anyway.

As I get in view of the bus stop, I see four boys. One was wearing a giant orange jacket, that covers his mouth.

One was wearing a green hat, with an orange coat as well.

One was wearing a brown coat, and blue hat with a red fluff ball on top.

And the last one was really fat with a red coat, and a light blue hat with a yellow fluff ball.

I walk up to the bus stop, and turn to the road to wait.




The fat kid, and green hat wearing kid argued. The dude in the giant orange jacket was the only one who noticed me. I'm glad, because the argument seemed pretty heated.

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