Chapter 8

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"We want your phone. Give it to us now, or we'll feed you to the sharks." Coon says seriously.

"Hell no." I say as I continue to look at them.

"Fuck. Well that didn't work." Coon says to the rest of the hero's.

I sit up. "You actually think that'd work?"

"Shut up you pussy sucker!" Coon says.

At that moment I got a text. I open my phone and see a text from Chaos.

C- Chaos
M- Me

C- Are you okay? You've been gone an awful long time...

M- Yeah. I was just captured by the hero's.

C- Are you okay!?

M- Yeah. They're not very good at their job.

C- I'll send some minions to rescue you.

M- Alright. That sounds good.

I look up and they're all just staring at me.

"Who were you just texting?" Human Kite asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I say.

"God dammit! Just fucking tell us what you know!" Coon yelled as he shook my cage pretty freaking hard.

I hold onto the sides while my head hit the back. 'Jesus!'

Tupperware and Wonder Tweek grabbed onto Coons arms and drug him back. "W-w-w-we'll watch over Coon while you continue to q-q-questi-ion the prisoner." Fastpass says as he walks back to the three.

Mysterion sighs. "We're just asking for a little bit of information. Do you know who's causing the crime wave over the city, or not?"

"If i tell you some of the info, will you let me go?"

They turn around and start talking. They talk and talk and talk. They finally turn back to me. "Fine. But it has to be good information. Not just some rumor."

I sigh, "Fine. Professor Chaos was hired by a-"


The basement door was forcefully opened. Minions started swarming the place. The hero's started fighting the minions. One minion came to my cage and unlocked it.

"Thanks." I say.

He didn't answer. He just motioned for me to follow. I did. All the minions including myself ran up the stairs.

"The prisoner!" Toolshed yelled.

We all exit Cartmans house and keep running till we get to the base where Professor Chaos was waiting for us.

I run up to him out of breath. "Thanks *Huff* for getting me rescued!" I thank him.

His cheeks go pink again. Weird. "It's no problem at all." He says. I turn around. "And thank all of you for saving me." I smile. They all smile back, and each reply differently.

"Time to go home everyone!" Chaos says.

All the minions go off. I turn to chaos and say thanks one last time before heading home.

I take the longer way, so I can avoid Cartmans house, but I eventually make it home.

Once again I go up the tree, across the branch, and into the window.

"That was the most eventful night so far." I say to myself. I take the costume off and get into some Pjs.

The door to my room opens abruptly. I look and see my Grandma with a bat. "Hi grandma." I say as I get onto my bed and sit.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning sweetie?" She asks as she puts the bat down. "I thought you were at a sleepover."

"I left early. The door was locked, so I came in through the window." I answered as I lay down.

"Okay. Did something happen to make you want to come home early?"

"No. I just missed my own bed."

"Well okay sweet pea. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Grandma!"

She closes the door behind her.

I lay down and close my eyes tight. 'Grandma doesn't suspect a thing.' I smile.


The next morning I get up and go down stairs for breakfast. I start making eggs because Grandma isn't awake yet.

I make two types. Scrambled and Sunny side up. I put them on two plates and start making the toast.

While I'm buttering the toast Grandma walks out. "Something smells delicious." She says and sits at the table.

"Well yeah! You can never go wrong with eggs and toast!" I reply.

I put the toast on the plate with the eggs and bring them to the table. I give Grandma the Sunny side up plate and I sit down to eat.

We sit in silence as usual.

*Ding Dong*

We both look at the door. "Who could be here at this hour?" Grandma asks.

I shrug. I get up, go to the door, and open it to see kyle. "Hey. What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing really. You want to come hang out with Stan, Kenny, Cartman, and I?"

I think for a moment then reply with sure. "Give me a minute to get ready." I say as I walk away leaving the door open.

I go upstairs and enter my room to get changed. I put on a Blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of black shorts. I then leave my room and go back downstairs.

When I make it to the bottom I see Kyle and my grandma chatting. I walk up to them to see what about.

"It's so nice to finally meet one of (Y/n)'s friends! And you're such a looker!" Grandma says.

Kyle cheeks are a light shade of pink. "Umm... Thanks." He says.

"Oh hi (Y/n)! Your friend is so nice! Have fun hanging out with him!"

"Ok grandma! See you later!" I say as I walk out of the house.

Grandma closes the door behind me.

"So! Where are we all going?" I ask.

"The guys are waiting at starks pond. Cartmans trying to walk on water." He replied.

"Oh. My. God." I say, "We have to get there now!"

I grab Kyles arm and start sprinting to starks pond.

When we make it there I see Cartman with 3 empty water bottles on each foot. He steps on the water and falls in.

I started laughing. So does Stan, Kyle, and Kenny. The fatass gets up and glares daggers at all of us. "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitches!"

We continue laughing. He's so stupid.

I'd love to see some ideas in the comments! Tell me your thoughts and opinions! I'd love to hear them!!

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