Chapter 18

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The fight took forever, but it was finally over and done with.

"Coon friends! We did it. We got Scrambles." Captain Diabetes says.

Sure enough, when I look over he's holding the cat. We seriously did all this for a fucking cat?

Everyone started cheering with Yeahs, and Finallys.

Classi comes over and thanks us then leaves. We all leave out the way we came too. When we reach the front doors, everyone cheers except Mysterion and I. Cause we're lame like that.

But then Coon had to go and say something stupid.

"So who gets the reward money?"

We all look at him for a second then look at eachother.

"What?" He asks, "It's a valid question. Someone has to hold onto the money. I think it should be Coon and Friends. Maybe the Freedom Fucks."

"Hey!" Most of the Freedom Pals exclaim.

"What about us?" Chaos says gesturing to himself and I.

Coon starts laughing. "You really expect us to trust you villains!? No way!" He says in between his obnoxious laughs.

"N-now hold on! We're all a team now aren't we?!" Chaos says uneasily.

"No way. We were just using you two. You guys can go now. Our alliance is over!" Coon yells the last bit.

All the other hero's look shocked at his forced decision. They all start arguing like idiots. Chaos looks at me and I look at him. He gets an evil smirk on, and I instantly know what he wants me to do. I go over and stand by the Captain. He looks at me confused, but shrugs and goes back to watching everyone argue.

"Well..." Chaos starts, getting everyones attention, "If the alliance is over, I guess we can do whatever we want now. Meaning..."

He drags out the last word as I scoop the cat out of Captain Diabetes arms and start running.

"... We'll be taking our prize now." Chaos finishes as he starts running along with me.

We hear a bunch confused, and suprised yells behind us as we get further and further. They probably started chasing after us when they got their heads together, but it was too late. We were out of sight and they don't know which way we went.

"You watch the cat till after school tomorrow. Then we'll claim the reward money and build up the army. Or finally pay some of the minions." He says with a sweatdrop at the last bit.

He runs ahead to his house as I enter mine, unnoticed by anyone, even Chaos.

I sneak up to my room so I don't wake Grandma.

It works as I open and close my door softly. I set the cat down and he goes over to my laundry basket, climbs in, and falls right to sleep. I shrug, 'Probably just a cat thing.'

I get changed into some pajamas and get into bed as I yawn. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. I guess it has been a long and busy 2 days. I yawn once more as I close my eyes, letting sleep take over.


I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I slam my hand on it and look over to see that it's already 7 am. "I did not get enough sleep last night." I grumble to myself as I slowly get up and get ready.

After I get dressed and do the normal morning routine, I grab my bag and head downstairs for breakfast.

As soon as I hit the bottom step, I smell eggs and toast. I enter the kitchen seeing Grandma making it. "Your food always smells so good Grandma." I say as my stomach grumbles.

She looks at me in surprise. "I thought you were staying at a friends house.?" She states making it like the sound of a question.

Crap. I completely forgot about that excuse. Same with the day. What day is it? Thursday? Well... It's Thursday now.

I get nervous. Keep it cool, (Y/n)! "I came home early, because my friend and I felt better and I wanted to come home. Oh uh... Also, don't get mad, but I found a missing cat on the way back." I covered my lame coming home early excuse with the cat.

"You brought a cat home!?" She almost yells as she looks at me with shock and a bit of anger.

"D-dont worry! The missing poster has been all over town. After school, me and a friend are going to return it to its owner!" I say quickly before she can get anymore angry.

She looks at me for a moment before sighing and answering, "Fine. But I want it gone as soon as possible. And you're on thin ice young lady. I've let you get away with too much since we've been here." She says as she turns back.

She starts making something that I can't see, but soon she turns back with a plate of chopped bananas and a piece of bread. I look at her confused.

"Bring this up for the cat while you're at school. We may not be keeping it, but I won't let it starve." She says as she hands me the plate and grabs another bowl and fills it with water. (Apparently cats can eat these things.)

I nod as I bring the plate and bowl up to my room and leave it for the cat to find later. I go back downstairs and start eating breakfast.

When I finish I bid my Grandma a fairwell and leave to the bus stop.

When I'm in hearing distance of the bus stop I start hearing the normalized arguing of Cartman and Kyle. "This is getting old." I say as I approach them.

"What is it bitch?" Cartman asks giving me a side glare.

"You guys arguing. Its like an old married couples." I snicker.

Stan snickers along with me while Cartman and Kyle start yelling in anger about that not being true. Kenny on the other hand looks at me in a weird way. I can't really describe it. Like he's putting pieces to a puzzle together? If that makes sense?

I ignore it though and wait for the bus as Cartman and Kyle start calming down with few grumbles.

"By the way, sorry for that Kyle." I smile towards him.

His cheeks go pink as he turns away. "It's fine."

Cartman starts yelling about how I should apologize to him too. We ignore him of course.


Time skip to a minute before class ends for lunch.


Class has been boring since the minute it started, and we're only halfway through the day. At least lunch will give me a break. Though I have this gut feeling that it's not gonna be very relaxing.

That, and both Kenny and Scott were staring at me for most of class with expressions of confrontation.

Riiiing the bell goes

Everyone gets up and packs up, quickly leaving for lunch. Mr. Garrison being the first.

Before I could even exit though, Kenny and Scott stand in my way. I look at them with a bit of confusion. "Umm.. What's up guys?" I ask.

Kenny pulls down his hood. "So... Static, huh?"

Thank you guys so much for all the comments! And holy cow! 10.5 k reads!? Never thought that'd happen. Thank you so much! Comment ideas and opinions!

1236 words

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