Chapter 6

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After all that nonsense happened it was close to morning, so Professor Chaos intruduced me to everyone so they wouldn't think I'm a hero, then he sent us all home. It was pretty fun.

I make it home and climb up the tree next to my house. I slowly go across the branch towards my window, and I jump in.

I land on my belly. I roll on my back, and get up. I quickly take my costume off, and put it in my closet. Finally, I get in bed and go to sleep.

I was out as a villain till 3 in the freaking morning. I'm so tired.

The next few days went by pretty fast. I've been paid 10 dollars for every kinda important mission. So I've made 30 dollars. I was paid for the information to prove my loyalty, and the other two payments were because I slowed down the hero's via traps.

~Dramatic Flash Back~

I was on a roof in an alley way with Professor Chaos. I was setting some traps up, because I sent the Freedom Pals, and The Coon Friends a note saying to meet here. By an unknown of course.

They finally make it.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here!?" The 'Coon' asks yelling.

"We were sent a note saying to meet here if we wanted to help save some lives." Mysterion said.

"We were sent a note saying to meet here if we wanted to make it onto Netflix!" The Coon yelled.

All of them enter the alley suspicious now.

I make the trap go off. They all get scooped up in a net.

"What the hell!?" The Coon yells.

I jump down from the building, so does Professor Chaos. All the hero's try looking at us, but some can't turn their heads.

"Professor Chaos! And a new guy?" Coon asks/says.

"Hey! You're the fucker who snuck in our base the other day!" Toolshed said.

I smile. "This is my new minion! Their name is Static! Mwahahahaha!" Professor Chaos says. Then we run off to cause more Chaos.

~Back to the Present~

Butte- I mean Professor Chaos said the more I help the more I'll be paid. That made me happy.

Its now Thursday. It has be 6 days since fall break started. Counting today.

Professor Chaos called me out in the middle of the day. He says its important. Yes. He has my number.

I had a weird feeling so I made sure to bring my phone. I told my Grandma I would be off for a while, and left.

I make it to the U-Stor-It, where Professor Chaos was waiting. "Hello Static." He says. I wave in response. We got to his office as usual.

We sit down in the chairs. "I called you here because I have a really important mission for you." He says. I nod. "I need you to spy on the hero's. Keep an eye on their whereabouts." I think for a moment then nod. "You are the best minion I've had besides General Disarray. So I gave you a really important job." I smile, and nod. "OK!" I reply. His cheeks go a little pink, but go right back to normal.

I get up, and start walking towards the door. "Oh, and Static?" I turn to look at him. "Be careful." He says. I smile, and nod. Then I start heading out.

As I was heading out I heard some rumors about the hero's fighting each other in the park. Perfect.

I start running towards the park.

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