Chapter 5

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I enter the U-Stor-It as stealthily as possible. I hide in the shadows. As I look around I see "minions". I go deeper, and deeper into to U-Stor-It, finding more and more "minions". I need to find Professor Chaos.

Eventually, I make it to the center. I walk out of the shadows, and walk into the main building. In front of me is a red headed kid. "Who goes there!?" He says a bit loudly as he looks at me with a little bit of confusion and anger. "..." I say nothing. I should have thought of a name! I think a little nervous.

We stare at eachother in an awkward silence. He quickly whispers to a minion to get somebody.

A few minutes go by, and finally I hear the sweet voice of But- I mean Professor Chaos say "What's wrong General Disarray?" He then notices me. "Who are you!" He does his darker voice.

I do the same as him. I make my voice deeper.

"Professor Chaos... I've come to work for you." I say slowly as I bow my head a bit to show respect. I look up at him again. His face shows that he's confused, but then he goes back to his evil face.

"How do I know you don't work for the Hero's?" He asks.

"I can prove to you that I don't work for the Hero's" I reply "Give me a job. Any job. I'll do it to prove my loyalty."

He looks at me skeptically, then he smiles. "OK!" He waves for me to follow him. I do.

We go through a long corridor, and end up at an office like place. He sits down on the chair behind the desk. I sit down on the chair infront of the desk.

"So... The first thing I need to know is what your villain name is." He asks politely. I just shrugged. I'm bad at coming up with names. "How about darkness?"

I shake my head.


I shake my head again.

"Frost. Cause you're cool! Get it?"

Another shake of the head

"How about... Static?" He asks with a sweatdrop. I think for a moment. That's a good name. I nod in approval. He smiles satisfied.

"OK. Now to think of a way you can prove your loyalty." He says trying to think.

I started thinking too.

A few minutes pass by of a thinking filled silence.

"Oh! How about you sneak into the Freedom Pals base, and steal some information for me!!" He says. I nod my head. "Easy enough."

"But where are the Freedom Pals located?" I ask.

"Tokens house. Its the big mansion." He answers.

"And what information do you need me to steal?"

"Anything really."

I smile. This is going to be easy peasy. I get up out of the chair, and start heading towards the door. "Good luck!" Professor Chaos says. I nod my head, and I'm gone.


I make it outside Tokens house. The gates pretty big. I notice a vine growing at the side though.

I run over to the vine, and start slowly climbing up. Climbing over the wall I start going towards the actual house.

When I make it to the door I look around just in case, and start picking the lock. I learned it from youtube. It's pretty handy.

I finish picking the lock, and enter the house. Instantly I see the Freedom Pals hideout. Its the basement I think. There's a Freedom Pals sign above a door.

I walk up to the door, and try to open it. It won't open though. I look around and find a keypad to the side. Dangit. It probably needs a password or something.

I started looking around for a code of some sort. I find nothing and go up the stairs. I enter the first door and see an office. Token wouldn't hide it in this office.

I close the office door and go to the next door. I enter and see a room for someone my age. I started going through things just searching for anything that could be a code.

I open a drawer that is next to the bed and find a folded piece of paper. I unfold it and it reads '5624'. This is definetly it.

I head down the stairs and walk up to the door with the Freedom Pals sign. I type in the code.

The door unlocks. I drop the code, open the door, and start heading down the stairs. As I get down there I see lots of cool things.

I go look around. 'This place is huge.' Were my only thoughts.

I go to the only computer that I see, and hack in. When I get in I start looking for any information that will be useful to Professor Chaos.

I keep scrolling until I make it to something that looks kinda important. It's a thing about them trying to find out who is the cause of the crime wave going through the city. I quickly press print, and wait a few seconds.

The paper slides out of the printer, and I grab it. I hear the door to the basement open and close. I turn around panicking.

The 'Mysterion' character was who it was. "Who the hell are you?" He says in a really deep voice.

I say nothing. What would you say if you were caught trespassing? "Well? Who are you!?" He says again.

"..." I say nothing once again. He then notices the paper in my hand, and looks at the computer. "You're stealing information!?" He exclaims. He goes on a device and calls for backup.

A minute goes by, and his backup arrives. "What's going on?" I think Token says. He notices me and gets in a battle stance. Same with I think Stan and Tweek. "Where's Professor Timothy?" Tweek asks/Whispers. "Im not sure." Mysterion replies.

"Anyway, Who are you?" Token asks. "Static." I reply with a deeper voice. "Why are you stealing information from us?" Mysterion asks. "..." I can't tell them.

I start to move a bit. "Do you work for Cartman?" Stan asks now. I shake my head. They all get confused looks.

I start running towards them. They're surprised by this. I kick Mysterion in his no-no square. He falls in pain. "What the hell!" Token yells. I punch Stan in the gut, I knee Token in his side, and I push Tweek to the ground. Then I run up the stairs, and out of the house.

I look back to make sure I'm not being followed. Then I turn forward again.

I head back to the U-Stor-It. I enter and go to the office like place I was in earlier. I find Professor Chaos, and give him the paper.

He looks at the paper, and slowly starts to make an evil smile. He looks up at me.

"Welcome to the team."

Thanks for reading guys :)

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