Chapter thirteen: the date

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Matts pov

I was so nervous about tonight I didn't even realize how much gel I just put in my hair. I looked like a fricken ken doll. "Damn" I muttered as I reached for the towel and gently rubbed out all the gel globs in my hair. I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my things and walked to Maya's room. I knocked on the door and after about two seconds it opened. There she was. She was stunning. Even dressed into something as simple as a shirt and skirt she was beautiful. "Hey" she smiled reaching in for a hug. I hugged back then stepped back. "Hey" I smiled escorted her to the elevator making her laugh. Her laugh is adorable. I clicked the lobby button as the doors closed. we moved down floors in silence not a awkward silence, a comforting silence. Suddenly the elevator stopped and the light went out. "M-matt I'm scared." She peeped. "It's okay I'm here" I said trying to walk over to her in complete darkness. I found her and wrapped my arms around her waist while she leaned her head against my chest. "The doctor said stress is bad for you so don't worry okay? It's gonna be fine." I said kissing her forehead. "K" she replied and I could feel the smirk on her face. Suddenly the elevator dropped it dropped for what felt like twenty floors me and maya were screaming while she was slightly crying into my chest. Suddenly the elevator landed hard like it lost all control and slammed into the ground causing us to flip over. Now I was on top of maya and she was still crying. "Are you okay" I asked Feeling the top of her head still, in complete darkness. "M-my head. It's BLEEDING!" She said now getting all panicked. "It's okay please don't stres-" I was cut off by her going into panic mode. This wasn't good so I did the thing I've wanted to do since I met her. I smashed my lips against hers causing her to stop stressing and for me to have my dream come true. I felt fire works. I wonder what she felt.

Maya's pov

We were stuck in a lost elevator, with no lights on, making out. Matt wasn't a bad kisser but I know he's not the best. When our lips touched I felt small sparks, not big ones like when I talk to cam but ones that made me keep my lips on his. "Maya" he said breaking from the kiss. "Yes?" I said catching my breath a little. "Will you be my girlfriend?"when I heard those words I froze. What should I say? Yes. No. I DONT KNOW. "Yes" I said a little more happy than intended. Then our lips re connected until the emergency light in the elevator turned on. Now we could see each other. Finally. "we are gonna be here for a while right?" I said giggling. "Yeah" he sighed then quickly added "but I don't mind as long as your here". I smiled but then laid my head on his thighs as my eyes got heavier and heavier. I was between asleep and awake when I felt him wrap his jacket around me and whispered "goodnight beautiful" into my ear. Then I drifted off into darkness.

I woke up but not in a elevator.. In a hotel room? I sighed and reached over where my phone was vibrating against my thigh.
MAYA: what? Why? Where's Matt?
HAYES👏: meet me at the hotel room number 304 and remember, I'm showing this to you because I care..
MAYA: okay...?

I shifted out of bed and realized I was in my hotel room and I had different cloths on..? I had a black lose shirt on with a loose pair of shorts and a red and blue flannel wrapped around my waist. Ehhh. I shuffled out of the room and down a few flights of stairs to see everyone crowded around a window. "What's up?" I said yawning and still half asleep. "Okay before you see this remember. Your doctor said NOT to stress out." Hayes said while grabbing my arm pulling me through everyone to the window. I'm awake now. I'm wide awake. I looked through the window and saw Matt making out with a blonde. Wowww Matt good job. I mentally talked to myself as I pulled out my phone and dialed matts number. It started to ring and I put it on speaker,
MATT: hey babe.
MAYA: hey. Where are you?
MAYT: laser tag with the guys. You looked so tired so we just left you.
MAYA: Matt. We're over and tell your blonde headed slut she's drooling.
MATT: w-

I clicked my phone and ran. I don't care if people say I am a drama queen or whatever. I have never had people make my life better, so I run. I run and clear my thoughts. I was running to my room to grab my penny board as tears threatened to fall. I made it to my room now slightly sobbing while grabbing my penny board and ran down the stairs ignoring all the calls and footsteps I heard behind me. I was out of the hotel and just skating away from it as fast as I could. I was now crying my heart out and looked around until my eyes landed on a large dance studio ahead of me. I walked in and asked the lady if there was a room whee I could dance for a hour by myself because I was going through something personal and I needed to get my thoughts off of it. She said yes but said it was gonna be 20$. I pulled out a wrinkled bill and handed it to her as she smiled and pointed to a room down the hall. I walked into the room to find light wooden floors and white walls except one which was covered in nothing but a big mirror and one with a mirror window where people could watch you but you can't see them. Yup this was a dance studio. I pulled my penny board into the room as my eyed shifted to a little plug coming out of a black speaker box. I walked over to it and plugged in my phone. I scrolled through my music until I found my favorite song. All the time- keys n krates
The music blasted through the speaker and all the other speakers in the roof. I breathed in and started to dance (kind break dance but a mix with contemporary) I let my heart out.

BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin