Twenty two: glimps

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Matts pov

I saw the look on her face change the second she read the note. Why does she go through this I just don't understand. She ran out the door to backstage and I heard a lock or something jiggle open. We all followed her until she was holding a book, a bloody shirt, and a knife. Cameron opened his mouth like he was gonna say so etching but she ran out before he could. We all chased her because we didn't want her getting hurt anymore. We lost her a couple of times until finally we saw her in the back of a alley. We saw ... Her screaming.. When she was done she just zoned out. We all grabbed her into a hug and started talking about random things for her to calm down. Even though she was in my arms if felt like she wasn't.. Weird.

Maya's pov: the sun was setting now and we were.. We'll they were still talking in the alley, I slipped away for a second just to watch the sun slowly go down. I look to my right and I see nothing except stores and a beach.. I look to my left and I see a small carnival and a forest. Hmmm. I quickly ran away because I need to think... I ran with the orange sky guiding me. I was in the forest and my phone kept buzzing from every one wanting to know where I was. I turned my ringer off and kept walking deeper and deeper into the forest. Now it's nighttime and I've reached the top of a cliff. I saw the waterfall flowing I front of me and I just look up to the dark sky with little white specks. I am now just standing by myself thinking... Would any one really care if I was gone? I heard a crack of a twig behind me but that was just probably a squirrel. I hear it again.. Now I'm running away deeper into the forest and I can't see anything because it's so dark. I hear running footsteps behind me and I just hide behind a big rock. I pull out my phone and call Cameron.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" He answered.

"Please I'm in the forest there's some one following me,.. They are gonna kill me." I whispered into the phone slightly crying

"WE ARE COMING STAY THERE AND STAY ON THE PHONE!" He demanded as I swallowed my tears so they wouldn't hear me. I slowly put my phone to my ear about to say something when a rope wrapped around my neck and pulled me back causing me to drop my phone. I think I hit the speaker button, "HELP PLEAASSEE LET ME GO! AHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream as the rope is around my neck dragging me behind who ever this is. I reach for my throat because I can Barley breath and I try to pull it off my neck.. No use. "LET HER GO!" I hear.. Chris? He is standing there with everyone else while the person tightens the rope meaning I can't breath.. At all. I start gasping for air as my face turned hot then cold. Who ever it was picked me up and threw me on the floor.

BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin