Chapter FIVE: Dinner under the stars

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Mayas pov

everyone was looking at me and complementing me but i ignored all the boys except for hayes. Because he was the only one there for me and the girls through all of this. Hayes's hand was soft and warm while strong and firm. It was nice. (lol is there a romance going on????) We all walked out of the hotel together and walked across the street into a fancy french resturant. we all sat down at a big oval table with bart already there waiting for us. i was directly across from bart with andrea on my right, then jenn, rebecca, and mahogany. and on my left.. Cameron, then matt, then nash, hayes, Shawn, Carter, jack & Jack, taylor, and aaron filling up the rest of the table. "I would like to make a toast to the newest members of MAGCON.. the BAD GIRL$!" we all raised our glasses and cheered but i mostly talked to the girls and some conversation with bart and hayes. When our food came i dropped my napkin and reached down to grab it while cameron did the same. our hands touched. he smiled. he has a beautiful smile. but i was mad at them so i just picked up the napkin and turned away even though i wanted to kiss him so bad. wait. what!? NO maya, NO! i excused myself and went to the bathroom just to clear my head. a minuet later all the girls appeared behind me and asked whats wrong. i said nothing but then adrea said "you are so lying! your worried about something! your eyes are green." damn i forgot about the eye thing. "okay fine." we all walked to the sofas in the bathroom (CLASSY RIGHT!?;p) " i think i like cameron.." my voice trailed off. "OH-MA-GAWD." they all finished each others sentances. "thats great!" rebecca and andrea screemed while jenn and mahogany jumped up and down squeeling. "how is that great!? THEY BEAT ME FOR FIVE YEARS!" i said pouting at the floor because i realized mahogany didnt know abou that. after we explained how i used to take all the beatings for the girls for five years three times a day she was so shocked that the boy swould do anything like that.

Andreas pov

When maya told us she likes cameron i thought that was amazing because she N-E-V-E-R likes anyone like that! im not so excited thats its cameron but its a step up from no one!

Rebeccas pov

after five minuets of talking about mayas new crush we all walked back out from the table just now noticing that maya and cameron sit next to each other. we all gave her a "go get da booty" look wich made her blush. Right after that her phone started ringing.

Mayas pov

my phone started ringing while i was at the table so i excused myself and walked outside and answered the "unknown" caller 

m= maya c=caller


c= yes hi may i speak with maya?

m= this is she.

c= hi im officer renoylds from the police department of crime and justice and we just recived news about your mother, father, and brother.

m=is everything okay?

c= im very sorry to inform you but all three of them were found murderd in your house. 

m=WHAT!? i was know tearing up

c=yes im sorry to inform you have a nice night and if you needa nything the police dep. is open for you.

m=okay thank you..

beep. the call ended and my heart dropped. I cant belive this happened. i texted rebecca 

m= maya r=rebecca

m=come outside NOW ;(

r= okay.. is everything okay?


after 20 seconds rebecca walked outside and saw me a wreck. "what happend m?" she said pulling me in for a hug. "tthat w-w-as the p-police *sniffle my p-parents and b-brother are d--dead!" i said full out crying now. "ohmygod im so sorry!" im gonna tell bart bye and im gonna walk towards the beach. "you want me to come?" "no i need alone time" i said sniffling thank god my makeup was waterproof. i walked inside with rebecca said i had to leave for a personal reason and started walking to the beach.. running actully. 

rebeccas pov

after maya left i had to tell everyone what was going on. "g-guys.." i said raising my voice a little so i had everyones attention. "about maya.. umm.." "yes?" hayes said all egar. "she just got a call from the police... her parents and brother were found murderd in her house." i said starting to sniffle. all i heard were crowds of "ohmygods" and "i hope she is okay" "also... she told me she was going to the beach to be alone but im scared she might try something.. alot happened to her these past weeks" i said looking at the girls and hayes. "you guys stay here.." "why do you guys hate us so much!?"nash started yelling. "YOU WILL FIND OUT TOMMOROW AT MAGCON" i snapped back. with that us girls and hayes walked to the beach to find maya staning with her feet in the water and her shoes in her hands. i could hear her sniffling. Soon she walked out of the water dried her feet and walked onto the peir.  she was just shaking and crying when we reached her and she didnt say anything just bear hugged us and cried. we all were talking and just standing on the peir for about a good two hours before we all walked back to the hotel. 

Andreas pov

i hate seeing maya like this but hopefully magcon will cheer her up tommorow.. for now she needs to sleep. we all used the elevator and went to our rooms.

hayes pov

i was laying down in my pajamas waiting for maya to come out of the bathroom. she came out and layed in her bed i heard her sniffle but before i knew it my eyes were shut and i was fast asleep.

Mayas pov

i waited for hayes to fall asleep. once i heard his cute snoring i changed into high waisted shorts and a crop top and white converse. i grabbed my penny board, phone, and hotel card. i quietly walked out of the room with my hair down and pin straight. i started walking down the stairs and checked the time.. 12:02 huh? i wonder where all the boys are.. i dont really care. the hotel had a beach side skating park so thats where i went. i plugged in my headphones blasted mysic and skated till my legs felt like jello. after that i started walking up to a bench and just layed down and looked at all the stars in the sky. i checked my phone 4:30. i walked back into the hotel and started walking up the stairs. when i reached the top and turned the corner i quietly swipped my card and slid into the pitch black room. i grabbed my pajama shorts and a lose top, went into the bathroom changed and when i walked out i slowly made my way to my bed when the lights snapped on and and everyone screamed "WHERE WERE YOU!?" i screamed and literally was about to have a heart attack."what do you mean?" i said not making eye contact with anyone and slowley slid into my bed. "we mean where were you for five hours and 28 minuets?" Andrea smirked getting all mothery on me. "i--uh-- i was out." i said while shutting my eyes and realizing i forgot my new iphone 5s outside. "SHIT! SHIT. SHIT SHIT" i said running out of the room with my card and all the way down eleven flights of stairs running outside and found it sitting on the bench right where i left it. "ohmygawd *sigh of calmness." "so this is where you went" Rebecca said walking over to me and sitting down next to me. "yeah.. its calm" "mmhhmm" she said gazing at the view of the beach. "cmon you literally have four hours to sleep" she said playfully pushing me. we all went to our rooma and STAYED in them. i was so excited for tommorow... i thought to myself. soone enough i was lost in a blanket of black...


BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin