chapter twenty eight: big mistakes

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oh crap. oh my god noo. this wasn't supposed to happen. they're going to think I'm not okay, why am i so stupid i can't even function properly. everyone was standing at the hotel door wide eyed and jaws to the floor. i tried my hardest not to but i ended up looking straight into cameron's glossy eyes, suddenly my legs lost balance and i tripped off the chair but my hands were around the rope so i pulled it far off of my neck as everyone rushed to get me down. once i was down no one said anything but just hugged me and cried. honestly i wasn't expecting this i was so shocked! i was expecting yelling or cursing. I'm such a mess.. finally after fifteen minuets of all this sympathy crap i finally broke the weird silence. "guys, I'm setting up a meeting with a therapist I'm gonna fix this, none of you worry" i said standing up and pulling up the number for a therapist office and stepping outside while the call started ringing 


mayas pov

okay so for the past year I've been taking therapy so I've gotten out of of my "self harm" phase. everything has worked itself out. today me and cam are celebrating our one year anniversary today. i really love cam. everyone took a break from magician after the accident and today everyone if finally getting back together! i stood in front of my full length mirror in me and cams apartment and scanned my tan body. i was wearing a white tightly wrapped mid thigh dress with a gold charm bracelet cam gave me, a gold small heart locket and my tan wedges. my makeup was light and kept natural with a nude coraly lipstick, and my hair was in loose curls with the top few pieces of my hair clipped back with bobby pins. my nails were coated with white gel nail polish and i lingered with the scent of fresh roses. I tilted my head to the side smiling at what i thought was a decent outfit not even noticing cam walking up behind me sliding his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. "you look.. wow" was all he managed once he saw me. i smiled and turned around to face him noticing him wearing the black suit his mom sent over. "i can proudly say the same Mr. Dallas" i playfully bowed infant of him. he grabbed my hand and gave me a little spin. he checked his watch and a smile appeared on his face. "cmon babe it already 6" i smiled and grabbed my gold sheer clutch along with my phone and we headed out the door. as usual the slight L.A breeze started and i breathed in the fresh air stepping into the car. cam backed out and we were on our way to the restaurant. i leaned my head against the window watching the sunset over the beach, music swiftly fills the car as cam puts his hand over my thigh not taking his eyes off of the road. i smile until we get to the restaurant. He pulls into a parking spot and opens the door for me holding my hand the whole way to the table. the dim lights and candles make his skin glow.

Cams pov

oh god. this lighting, her eyes, ugh its so hard for me not to just bend over this table and kiss her. she looks up from her menu and checks her phone and a huge smile appears on her face. "everything okay" i ask as she glances up at me. "yeah, everyone else is here and there at the apartment ordering pizza so they will be there when we get back" she smiles as the waiter approaches us taking our orders. she got water, a small salad, and pasta. i got water, a small salad, and a steak. we enjoyed our dinner filled with laughter and just talking about random things. i love her. the check comes and we both instantly reach for it. "nope" i say to her grabbing it first. "CAM you payed last time." she whisper shouted. "i don't care" i said sliding my card into the little book and handing it to the waiter. "thank you" she said crossing her arms and pouting. "i love you" i said out of nowhere. she looked up and there was this weird sparkle in her eyes that i have never seen before. "i love you too cam" she breathed out smiling to herself. soon we were out of the restaurant and she wanted to drive so i let her. the second we got into the car she blasted music and sped off with me grasping for my dear life.  we pulled into our apartment complex and she parked and basically ran into the elevator the the fifth floor. i ran after her sliding in next to her as she basically vibrated with excitement opening the door and rushing into everyones arms. after everyone saying there hellos we both went and changed into more casual clothes and joined them in the living room. 

mayas pov

everyone was asleep including cam. i slowly shut my eyes but then there was a knock at the door. i checked my phone and it said 2:30 AM. who the hell could that be? i slowly walked to the door trying to look through the little door looking thingy but it was blocked. i slowly unlocked the door and opened it up a inch to find a drunk justin sitting on the floor.. crying? "justin.." i whispered. "what are you doing here" i said looking at him. "I'm.. I'm.. I'm so sorry maya. for everything. i am a horrible human. for the last year I've been non stop thinking about you. i needed to find a way to apologize but this was all i could think of." he said slurring his words slightly as he pulled a bouquet of atlas 100 red roses. "oh my gosh justin" i said holding the flowers helping him stand up. i quickly pretended to support him while i actually patted him down. yup, nothing dangerous. "okay you can't drive and I'm not leaving you in the hallway, come on." i quickly walked in and grabbed the keys to cams car. i slid out of the apartment and walked justin into the car and took him to the closest hotel i could find. i payed for a room and walked him up there, layed him down, and watched him basically pass out. "you're such a fuck up" i mumbled covering him with a blanket. i grabbed a pen and paper and quickly wrote him a note. "you were drunk and came to me, don't ever do it again. maya" i walked to the little chair sitting in the corner of the room and sat down for a little bit, i was already half asleep and i didn't wanna drive and fall asleep. before i knew it i was engulfed in darkness. 

cams pov

i woke up and checked my phone 5:00 AM i looked around and found everyone asleep.. except maya was missing. i ran upstairs to check, she was gone. i ran downstairs quietly and found 100 red roses on the counter, my car keys gone, and the door slightly open. i pulled out my phone and called her but then her phone went off where i was sitting on the floor. i looked at the roses and suddenly thought the worst thing.. was she cheating on me? 


BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin