Chapter fourteen: liar, liar, pants on fire

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Andreas pov

We all just left maya in the bathroom because i mean, who cares for that slut anyway? I don't know why she would do this... Ever. Part of me wanted to believe her and the other half just wanted to slap her across the face. I was going down the hall to show the boys she note she left wich made me kinda... Okay really sad. I walked into Carter and Taylor's room when I heard whispering through the joint door connecting to matts room. I just listened through the door and I couldn't believe what I heard.

"Yeah don't worry babe they believed me about that whole "she cheated first" bullshit". "Haha I know they are so stupid! No... Yeah no. I told you I made that stuff up she never cheated. How could she, I mean she was asleep the whole time!" I could hear him smerk through his phone probably to the blonde bitch he was lip locking with. "a WHAT FHE FUCK MATT?" I couldn't hold back anymore. He made me turn against my best friend and that wasn't okay. "What?" "YOU FUCKING LIAR!" I screamed in his face. "GUYS MAYA NEVER CHEATED HES BEEN FUCKING LYING SO HE COULD CHEAT!" "JENN, REBECCA IN THE CAR NOW!" I screamed grabbing my phone from the bed. "What where are we going?" Jenn asked me stepping towards Rebecca. " I know she went back to LA, she loves it there to much to just.. MOVE." I was about to step through the door when the rest of the boys insisted they come along. I mean they DID go all crazy on her and beat her again. We walked to Bart's room and he told us to get her back fast so he called his friend who was a pilot and it took less that two hours to get to LA. During the plane ride I called kian and told him what happened and to go check on maya and stay with her until we got there. He agreed and we landed.

Rebecca's pov

I regret everything I did to maya. She took all the beatings and yet we believed MATT instead of her. The guilt is literally eating me alive, we made a promise to not ever do things like this to each other and yet we broke it while she stayed loyal. I don't know what happened to my trust in her. I was so stupid. "You okay?" Jenn asked reaching over from her seat to give me a hug. "We broke the p-promise" I'm tearing up just thinking of the fact that is might never have my best friend back. "Don't worry it was a miss understanding" jenn calmed me. "The boys, I don't forgive the boys..." I was getting angry and before I knew if I was on my feet screaming at them. "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU DIDNT SAY LETS GET REVENGE MAYBE WE WOULDN'T BE HERE! AND WHEN WE GET THERE DONT EXPECT HER TO FORGIVE YOU ASSHOLES." I gave them a death stare look for about five seconds then looked away. The plane was landing so I clutched my seat and glanced at the window seeing how close we are to the ground.

Nash's pov

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU DIDNT SAY LETS GET REVENGE MAYBE WE WOULDN'T BE HERE! AND WHEN WE GET THERE DONT EXPECT HER TO FORGIVE YOU ASSHOLES." Gee thanks Rebecca like we didn't feel bad enough. I hope she forgives us. I had such high hopes for us to move on from the past but I'm not so sure now.

Kian's pov

I had to keep maya here so they can explain what happened. I don't understand how they could be that stupid, if I was in there position especially the girls I would have known maya would never do something like that, she was to sweet, to delicate but if u messed with her she would go all bad ass on you.

She picked up the phone and dialed Andreas number then put it on speaker. "Hello?" I heard on the other end of the line. Maya looked beyond pissed off to hear that voice causing her to do the unexpected. She threw her phone in the pool. "MAY-" I began to yell at her but she cut me off. "FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU FUCK OFF" she flipped us off and walked out of the house with her penny board and tears streaming down her face. We were in shock, frozen in the backyard. "What did they do to maya? I'm so gonna fucking kill those boys this isn't her!" Jc and Sam said at the same time then ran out the house after maya.

BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin