Chapter eighteen: are you the one?

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Maya's pov

I can't believe I almost just killed myself I thought to myself over and over again while we all were jogging back home. I was ahead of everyone of course because I always go for a jog. *multiple gasps the boys panting broke my thought as I laughed at them turning around the block. Our house is like four houses done from this stop. Before I know it we are at the front door, I walk in normal and everyone else is panting and breathing really heavy. "Have y-you thought about what your gonna do for your birthday?" Andrea asked gasping for air. "Yeah umm I'm not really gonna celebrate it this year" I said calmly walking into the kitchen for some water. "Seriously?" Rebecca asked following me. "Yeah with everything going on I really don't feel like it" I said smiling like it's not a big topic. "Okay.." Mahogany said walking into the kitchen and grabbing some water. "I'm gonna go shower" I said walking up the stairs hoping to avoid another awkward conversation.

Mahogany's pov

She walked up the stairs and the best most greatest idea hit me. "What of we throw her a surprise birthday party!!" I squealed as everyone started paying attention. "Yeah! Her birthday is actually the day we have Magcon in Miami!!" Rebecca said looking up from her phone. "We can have the fans sing her happy birthday and we can get her a cake and everything!" Andrea and jenn squealed at the same time then laughed. Okay then it's settled the day after tomorrow we celebrate!


Mahoganys pov

Today was Maya's birthday and she doesn't have a clue about our plans I'm so excited!


Maya's pov

"WAAALLLKKK! Ur not gonna hit anything!" Mahogany laughed while leading me somewhere while I was blindfolded. "Okay" I laughed and let her lead the way. After ten seconds I was walking up a couple steps and was being pushed to sit down on a chair.

Mahoganys pov

I sat her down and already told the audience about the plan. Everyone had there phones out and was recording this. I put one finger in the air then a second then the third signaling everyone to start singing as Nash removed her blindfold. She gasped and her eyes a tearing up..? "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU" everyone finished and clapped as she raced down the steps and literally hugged everyone.

Maya's pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Screamed the audience as I started to cry but held myself back. I ran down the steps and hugged everyone. After a while Magcon went on as usual but when we all were about to leave I left my phone on the table in the empty stadium. "I left my phone Ill be right back" I said running back inside looking All over the table for my phone. "I swear I left it here" I mumbled to myself as I looked through the left over pictures of all of us. "Looking for this?" I heard a familiar voice say I front of the table. I recognized it immediately. I looked up. Justin. I could tell I looked scared or something because I started backing away from him into the empty stadium. "Your all mine bitch" he smirked them literally grabbed a hammer out of no where and crushed my new iPhone. "That's what I'm gonna do to you... If you don't do exactly as I say" he said stepping towards me. I turn and run to the exit not even saying a word. I was running towards the door about to poem it when I run into it. "Oh honey did I forget to tell you that they are all locked? No one can get in or out" he laughed and walked towards me fearless. "Revenge... Sweet sweet revenge" he laughed then I saw nothing but black.

Cameron's pov

"What's taking her so damn long it's been like ten minuets!" Nash complained. "We'll she should get scare cammed for making us wait like this" Matt snickered. We all agreed we were gonna sneak in and scare the crap out of her by screaming. We were at the entrance and quietly slid in without making any noise. The screams we all screamed weren't to scare maya.. They were real. Her arms and legs were in chains and she was in nothing but her bra and underwear. She was covered in blood and the wholes the doctor stitched up were cut open. "MAYA!" Mahogany, Andrea, jenn, and Rebecca said as the ran towards her. I pulled out my phone and called for the police explaining what happened. Five minuets after I called the police I looked around and saw her phone smashed and a hammer laying next to it. I also saw a yellow note. I picked it up and what I read made me burst into tears.

She's not gonna wake up so don't bother. I injected a poison in her that only I have the antidote for. That's what she deserves.

- justin

Everyone read the note and we showed the police as they arrived. Soon after we all were at the hospital as they did find out she does have a poison in her but they do have a cure. After 12 hours she woke up. "Hi!" Jack said walking to her side. "W-who are you? Where am I? Who am I?" She said looking around at all of us. "M-maya?" Nash said tearing up again.

THIS CHAPTER IS GONNA BE TWO PARTS THIS IS THE FIRST PART I AM WRITING THE SECOND PART AS YOU READ THIS SO IT SHOULD BE UP IN THE NEXT HOUR OR SO. Also follow me on Instagram for hints about what's happening next. Or if you want to be in the book! Tumblrxfishies

BAD  GIRL$  (Magcon fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin