Princess and the servant 1/3

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Princess Teresa Agnes was next in line to the throne after her father passed. As her father would be passing soon due to illness it was now the task of finding the perfect husband. The problem was Teresa was attracted to someone already. But her father would not approve. As the man Teresa loved was a servant. Thomas Murphy. He, his sister and parents have lived in the since Teresa was a little 5 year old. As Teresa mother was a very kind women and found the family having finance problems she gave them a home and is under her orders. But she never made them do much. Just small tasks like keeping an eye on Teresa. As the years had gone by Teresa had started to have feeling for Thomas. Which Thomas revived. But they both know that a princess could never marry a servant. No matter how much it broke them. They knew that it could never happen and that they would have to move on. Thomas family loved Teresa. Mary and Vince saw her as another daughter. And Brenda saw Teresa a sister. No matter how much they wanted Thomas and Teresa to be together they knew that they couldn't do anything. As they were just servants. But they never expected for it to go there way. 

Teresa was sitting in her bedroom looking out at the gardens. Everyone was in for the night so when a knock on the door occurred she was confused. She gets up and opens the door. Her silk night gowns falling behind her. She opens to see her mother. "Mother what are you doing here at such hours" she asks. Her mother smile.

"I have a suprise but you have to come quickly and quietly" Ava tells her. "Come now we dont have much time" she says she grabs her daughters hand and they walk down the halls. Her mother brings her into the libary and pulls a book on the shelf and it opens a secret passige. Teresa stares at it in awe before her mother takes her hand and drags her down the stairs and it opens up into the stables. 

"What are we doing here" Teresa asks. Her mother looks at her and out comes Thomas. "Tom" she says. Before running and hugging him. "What are you doing here" Teresa asks. She hears horses and turns and see her mother bring out 2 tacked horses.

"You are going with Thomas you are going to stay with him and his family in a secret cabin in the woods where your father doesnt know of. You will stay there until i persuade your father to let you two marry but you must go now. You will meet his family there. But you must go my child" she says. Handing her daughter a bag. 

"I promise that we will see each other again my child i love you" she says. Teresa hugs her mother one last time before getting on the horse. Teresa and Thomas gallop out of the stables and far from the kingdom and into the woods. 

A little while later Thomas and Teresa stop infront of a cabin. The doors of the cabin open and Mary comes out running to them as they get off of the horses. 

"Your here" Mary says hugging them. Brenda, Vince and Frypan come out of the cabin and hug them. "Can someone please tell me in more detail of what is going on i only got a bref explenation from my mother" Teresa asks. Mary nods and they walk into the cabin. 

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