Nightmare and cuddles

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Thomas' dream

Thomas is in his room looking at the ceiling. Waiting for the knock that would change his life. When he finally hears it he jumps up and goes to the door. He opens it to see Ava Paige. "Come on we dont have much time. He follows her and they both walk down the halls at then stop at another door. The door opens to see a tar haired girl with blue eyes. Look at them. Ava tells he the same she did with Thomas and they walk down the halls again. Thomas intertwines his hands with the girl's hands. He smiles. They get to a set of double doors and they walk in. They see a priest at the end of the room. Thomas and the girl walk down the aisle and stand before the priest. "Tonight we are here to unite these two individuals. Now, Thomas, do you take teresa to be your wife as your lovely wedded wife for as long as you both shall live" the priest announces. Teresa looks at the girl and smiles.

"I do," he says. Teresa looks at him with tears in her eyes. "And do you Teresa take Thomas to be your lovely wedded husband for as long as you both shall for as long as you both shall live," he says. "I do," teresa says. She holds his hand feeling his ring on his left finger as they had already placed the rings on. 

"By the power vested in me, i pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride," the priest says. Thomas looks at Teresa and smiles before connecting their lips. They hear Ava clapping her hands. They pull away and look at each other in the eyes. They then here 3 gunshots. He and Teresa turn and see Ava and the priest on the floor blood pooling out of their heads. He looks and teresa and sees blood coming out of her stomach. He falls to the floor with her. He turns and sees Jenson with an evil smirk on his face before he walks out. Thomas puts his hand on Teresa stomach trying to stop the bleeding. 

"You're going to be ok we are going to live together ok and we are going to have kids. You can't give up on my now teresa" he pleads.

"I love you, Tom," she says before closing her eyes. Thomas shouts and screams her name crying trying to get her to wake up. 

Thomas is shaken awake. "Tom, Tom, Tom" he heads someone say before he wakes up. He shoots up and sees his wife in front of him. "Tom what happened," she asks. 

"I had a dream. I and you got married and then you and Ava and the priest got shot and killed by Jenson" he tells her. She looks at him. Before placing her hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes.

"Im fine the kids are fine we are all fine," she says. He nods before hugging her. "Oh, their kicking," she says. Thomas pulls away and places his hand on her very big stomach. He feels the kicks. He smiles. "I can't wait to meet them," he says. "I know 3 girls and you finally get the sons you've always wanted" she laughs. 

"Yeah but i love you girls with all my heart," he says. Teresa smiles and kisses him. They hear a knock on their door and turn to see their three daughters. 

"What are you doing up," Thomas asks. "We heard you two and we went and checked on Tallulah and she was awake so we came in" the couple stare at their 6, 5 and 2 year old and then laugh. Well come here" Teresa says. The girls laugh and run over to the bed. Their older daughters Via and Bindi help their younger sister Tallulah get on the bed. The girls huddle up with their parents and play with their moms belly. 

"Im so excited to meet them," Bindi says. "Yeah, i am too. But what are their names" Via asks? Thomas and teresa look at each other and nod. 

"Well me and daddy where talking and we have decided to call them Timothy and Theodore," Teresa tells them. 

"I like those names," they say. Thomas and Teresa smile. "Come on now time to sleep," Thomas says. The family lie down and fall asleep. 

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