Halloween Special! 🎃

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A/N: Heyo! Happy Happy Halloween everyone! 

Apparently, there's a 20 pic limit for each chapter. There are 19 pics in this chapter 😂

Legooooo(2850 words!)


'Finally, after 365 days, Halloween is here again! Halloween is like Christmas but with dead people!' You exclaimed.

As you walked down her road, you realized that most of the houses were preparing for the special day.

'Maybe, I could have a Halloween party with everyone from school...' You continued to think, 'What should I wear?'

You continued to walk down the peaceful street, lost in thought. The scenery was beautiful. The autumn leaves flowed down, and there was a cool breeze.

"Yo! Dumbass, watch where you're going. You could've gotten run over by a car," a voice shouted at her from behind.

"Morning," you greeted.

"Any plans for Halloween?" Bakugou asked.

"A party maybe? But I'm not sure what to wear," you said,

"You can go as snow white, that half and half bastard can go as the prince, Deku, Kirishima, and a few extras can go as the seven dwarfs," he suggested.

"Them, what are you?" she asked.

"The evil queen," he said.

"YOU'RE A TRAP?!?!" You shouted which caused everyone to look at the two of you.

"Keep your fucking voice down. And, no, I'm going as something fictional," he said,

"Oh, so that means you're gonna dress up as your girlfriend," you said.

(He doesn't need a girlfriend, he need a boyfriend 😏)


Before he can finish, you were already gone.

-- Time skip, cuz you were hiding in a tree like a Ninja--

"Morning everyone," you slid open the door and greeted.

Some replied, some smiled, others just looked dead inside. You made your way to your desk and sat down.

"Hey, Iida. since Halloween is coming up in a few days, want to have a class party?" you asked,

"That's a good idea. I'll talk to the teacher after," he replied.

"Thanks, we can do it here at school," you suggested.

"Are you guys talking about a Halloween party by any chance?" Kaminari asked.

"No, we were talking about cannibalism," you joked.

"But, we should totally have one!" Mina joined in.

"Think about all the food~," Hagakure said.

As everyone joined in, a cough was heard.

"If you want to have a party here, then sit down. We have something to discuss," Aizawa said.

Everyone quickly ran to their seats.

"So, the teachers were also talking about it and we all decided to hold a Halloween party here. Everyone can dress however they like (school appropriate please), but you have to wear a mask," he said.

"ALRIGHT!!!" Everyone cheered.

"But for now, let's start homeroom,"

----[Time Skip]----

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