Chapter 1

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If there are still any more grammar mistakes plz tell me. 

I didn't want to rewrite it because I was scared that all the comments would be deleted and I really enjoyed reading them T^T. 


Second pov - I kept forgetting to change it

Today is the first day of school... so far your day has been horrible. First, your alarm woke you up 1 hour earlier. Then you find out that you ran out of food. And now, you are walking to school, because you left your bus pass/ticket at home. Your morning has. been. Lovely

'One more problem and I might as well go home, where I am safe.' you thought.

You quietly opened the door and you found 2 students one with ash blonde hair and one with glasses arguing.

'Why can't they fight when I'm not there to witness it. This is so troublesome.' you started thinking about what you did to deserve this.

'Gee, that blonde kid looks like Kacchan. Same hair, Same face, different personalities... must be a doppelganger.' you continued thinking.

Suddenly a boy with fluffy green hair also entered the room

"S-sorry, excuse me," he said.

'What's with all the look-alikes?!? He looks just like Deku.'

"Hi, I'm from Somei academy." the guy with glasses said while walking towards us.

'oh, now he notices me. nice... maybe I can dye my hair blue and start playing basketball.'

"I heard you before. Ah... I'm Izuku Midoriya. Pleased to meet you, Iida." The green haired boy said.

'hm... Izuku Midoriya....Deku.....DEKU!?!?!'

"Ummm, by any chance your nickname was Deku?" you asked.

"o-oh, u-um yes. How did you know? The only people that ever called me that was Kacchan and (Y/N)." he said.

'He never changed. That's nice' you thought with a smile.

"I'll give you 2 choices. 1. Kakachow over there will yell it out loud or. 2. I am (Y/N)" you said.

(A/n: Kakachow is not a typo)

"(Y/N)?" Bakugou questioned.

"Noooo, I'm just a very sarcastic potato." you said in a very sarcastic tone.

"I guess your shitty personality never changed," he said while rubbing the back of his head.

"And your hair still looks like something exploded. Oh wait, something did, your temper." you replied.

"At least you're still the same. welcome back," he said somewhat nicely.

"Hahaha glad to be back," you said.

"If you're here to socialize, then get out...This is the Hero Course" I middle-aged man in a sleeping bag said.

'If that's our teacher then he's setting a VERY good example. We should all just sleep and not do anything today.' you thought.

"It took 8 seconds for you to quiet down...blah...teacher......Shota Aizawa...change into gym clothes."


-time skip-

"This is a test of your quirks."

'EHHHHH? A test on the first day?!?!? What makes this even worse is that its a physical test. T^T' you mentally screamed.

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