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Pic White will say when the pic time comes

Third person POV

MJeff was raged, his blood pumped through his vain's as he stood up.

"Jeff..J-Jeff." Jeff glanced behind to the girl who had stopped him. First he glanced down to her hand which shook with sadness and fear, and next her face which had tears leaking from all 4 corners of her eye's. She shook her head as she stood up slowly. They both shared a gaze, both eyes showed care but at the same time fear. They're gaze was broken thou, by a certain someone. "I see, I should have known that there would be an interference." He started unwrapping the bandage around his eye while also unwrapping his hand. The bandage fell from his face and then he said. "Pest always meddle with things they don't understand." He smiled.

Jeff breathe hitched in his throat as he stared White. His eye was was pitch black with white star in it (like ceil from black butler same design) His hand was (pic). White licked his index finger as he said. "Leave." Jeff replied through his gritted teeth, "As if you bastard." Holding his knife towards him. At that moment everyone rushed through the door.

White grew irritated. "Sarah come here." His voices was firm but calm.

Sarah POV

I shook my head as I clung to Jeff. But soon as my eyes laid on my mom I darted for her. But mid way there I stopped short. I heard a hiss and I instantly knew what was to come. I made him mad. I turned around just in time to see his long black snake tongue that hug down to his mid toros slowly go back into his mouth. His white demon wings sprawled out and with in a flash he was by me, his wings flapping as he slowly floated. His grip on my arm caused such intruding pain that I letted out a scream. He squeezed his demon hand as blood soon started dripping from it, tears leaked from my eyes as we floated in mid air. He placed his blood hand towards his mouth then moved closer towards me. He gripped my head with his normal hand and wrapped his other arm around my waste as he kissed me, pushing the blood into my mouth with his tongue, forcing me to swallow it, as some of the blood slipped from my mouth and onto my outfit staining it. My mind went blank....mommy... are my eyes suppose to be this heavy? Why dose my body feel numb? Why is it so dark?

Jeff POV

(Has anyone ever wonder how easy it would be for Jeff to win a no blinking contest)

I watched as her eyes rolled back and body fell to the side. He caught her and carried her bridal style to where he was when I first seen him. The sun gleamed as the moon slowly came in front of it. Everything seem'd gray. And with this freakish Dracula bull it's not making me any better. I watched as Sarah arise from her slumber, a stream if blood going down either side of her mouth. Her eyes opened and....

To be continued...😘

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