Part 5 (dont have a title for this) :)

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Mark's P.O.V.

I sigh and rub Jack's back. He's so beautiful.

Wow. Crushing on an unconscious boy. How much more gay can you get?

Shut up.

Oh now I need to listen to a weak mortal? Why should I?

Running my hand through my hair, Jack wakes up and looks at me.
"Hey.." he mumbles.
"You okay?" I ask, obviously worried and sound stupid.
"Yeah.." he stares into my chocolate orbs for eyes and we lock eyes. I lose myself in his ocean blue eyes, swimming and exploring them. I soar through the vast and cloudless skies trapped within two glass balls.

Jack's P.O.V.

God he's cute. I wanna kiss him so badly.
"Wanna play some games?" I ask, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Sure!" he said, like an excited puppy finding a new place. I laugh and turn on the game console. I immediately puts in my favourite game, Shadow Of The Collosus and hand him the controller. The tutorial pops up and I notice that he is slow to press the buttons because he keeps looking down at the controller.

"Mark, have you ever played on an Xbox before?" I ask.

"U-uh..." he stutters. "N-no..." I laugh and teach him to play. We end up losing track of time and play till 10:30pm. We both decide that it's a good idea to hit the deck at that time. He gets into his sleeping bag and I feel bad for him sleeping on the floor.

"Um Mark?" I ask, "Do you just wanna sleep on the bed?"

"Jack, I don't wanna take it away from you."he replies, kindness radiating from his deep voice.

"Well I don't want you to sleep on the floor." I reply.

"Well then, how bout we just sleep in the bed together? There's enough space for t-." He gasps and slaps his hands over his mouth, checks becoming a deep cherry red. I chuckle.

"Yeah that'll be fine." I reply, smiling awkwardly. I decide to get up and walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
When I come back, Mark is laying on my bed, facing the ceiling. I blush and slip in next to him.

"Hey boys I brought you some-." Ma comes in with a tray and looks at us, both shirtless and blushing. She sets the tray down on the table, puts her hands up in surrender and begins to walk out.

"Whatever." She says and Mark immediately starts laughing and hugging me.

"Jeez your mom is so cool!" He says, still wheezing.

"I guess so." I say in response.

And at that moment, Mark fell into a deep sleep. I smile and watch him for a while and eventually drift to sleep.

WORD COUNT: 455!!!


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