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"So, you guys going to that couples' dance coming up next week?" The pink haired male asked, putting his plate into the sink, turning on the water afterwards to wash it.

"Mhm! Me and Jieun are gonna be the cutest couple there!" Chenle piped up, smiling brightly at the idea.

"Jisung? How about you?" The elder asked.

"Huh? Well, I don't have a significant other hyung. You know this." Jisung replied, shoving the rest of his rice into his mouth.

An idea popped into Jaemin's mind, a mischievous smirk grew on his features. This idea had to work. It had to.

"Why don't me and you go together? We can always pretend." Jaemin suggested, watching the younger practically choke on his rice. Meanwhile Chenle's eyes widened in shock.

Since Chenle was too shocked to really notice anything, the elder male sent Jisung a look. A look in which the younger creased his brows at. Jaemin just rolled his eyes and mouthed 'Just play along'.

That, Jisung got and just nodded.

"B-But, Nana-hyung, don't you like Renjun and Jeno-hyung?" Chenle asked, knowing that the two said boys would be devastated to hear that their beloved Jaemin, asked Jisung to the dance.

The elder male sighed, going on with his act,"They're happy together without me, Lele. They don't need to lag around a third wheeler like me."

Even though it was an act, there was some truth in Jaemin's words. He did feel like he'd just be a third wheel, left out.

'Might as well tattoo 'Third-Wheeler' on my forehead.'

Chenle frowned upon hearing those words from the Jaemin. He wanted badly to tell him that Jeno and Renjun do like him. So much. Chenle's tired of them gushing over the pink haired boy every gym period they have together.

But he couldn't tell him. He had promised the two to keep quiet because they have a plan up their sleeves.

"So, what about Ji?"

'Please say no please say no please—' Chenle chanted in his head.


It was like a jab to the heart. His eyebrows visibly creased, confused at his reaction. He shouldn't be reacting like this. He should be happy that somebody even asked Jisung. Chenle had his own girlfriend. A loving, sweet, charming girlfriend.

She was everything to him...right?


"Hyung, what in the world are you planning?" The younger asked once Chenle left.

"It's called, 'Making Chenle Jealous'." Jaemin replied, as if it were an obvious answer.

"Are you serious? There's no way that he'll be jealous! He has a girlfriend for pete's sake!"

"Then explain his reaction when I asked you to go with me." He countered.

Jisung thought back to how Chenle reacted when Jaemin popped up the question, and to him, Chenle did look a bit annoyed. He thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him, guess not.

"Look, just follow my lead okay? Chenle's definitely has some kind of feelings for you, I'm sure of it. You two almost kissed for crying out loud!"

It was odd to Jisung that Chenle didn't push him off even when he was leaning in. Matter of fact, he felt the elder's hands gripping onto his shirt. Like he was urging him to just smash their lips together already.

There was more and more evidence the Chenle possibly had some kind of feelings for the younger male, it was just hard to believe so. What was Jieun to Chenle?

He'd still see and hear Chenle gush over his amazing girlfriend, and the elder didn't hesitate to show the world how much he loved her. So, why? What are all these signals?

Jisung felt so confused. What was Chenle trying to do? What were his intentions? He had no idea.

His head was starting to hurt from all of this thinking so he just laid on top of Jaemin's lap, his legs stretching across the remainder of the couch they were sitting on. The elder male just the him do as he pleased, threading his finger's through the younger's light orange locks.

Honestly, Jisung felt like Jaemin was his second mom. Not only did he play a role as an older brother, his motherly ways also played a major role in him. To make up for the absence of a parent figure, Jaemin was there for him, and the younger would forever be thankful for the elder.

Slowly but surely, Jisung's eyes started to flutter close, falling into a deep sleep. Dreaming about the one and only Zhong Chenle.

And let's just say, Jisung wanted it so much to be true.


"Okay class, make sure to work hard on your solo dance. It does count as a major grade, so work hard and practice, practice, practice!" The dance teacher advised, his voice loud and assertive.

"Yes sir!" The class chorused back, walking over to their bags, getting ready for the school day to end.

Jisung had dance for his seventh period, so everyday, he ended off with dance. Which he considered a blessing and a curse. A blessing because he didn't have to sit through other periods feeling all sweaty and sticky. A curse because he'd have to wait through six painfully long periods until he could get to dance.

"Hey, Jisung!" A voice called as Jisung looked back to see Jeno and Renjun, walking into the room hand in hand.

"Hi, guys." He replied, shouldering on his bag, making his way towards the couple.

"Do you know where Jaemin is? We've tried to call and text him but he doesn't seem to be picking up his phone." Renjun asked, a worried expression present on his face.

Jisung was contemplating on whether to tell the two males the truth or just lie and say that he didn't know. He decided on the first option.

"He's staying over at my place for now. Something happened at home and I'd rather let him explain to you than for you to hear it from me." Jisung answered honestly.

Both of the boys' hearts dropped upon hearing those words come out of Jisung's mouth. Jaemin had once slipped up and confessed that his mom wasn't the most supportive mom out there. She was a homophobic, a very strong believer that you shouldn't be able to have any kind of romantic connection towards the same gender.

They knew that he hadn't told his mom yet and everything was going quite swell for the pink haired boy. And by what Jisung had just explained, they have a strong sense that Jaemin either came out to her, or accidentally had a slip of tongue and outed himself.

"Is it okay if we go visit him?" Jeno asked the younger, hoping that he'll say yes, which he did.

"Just...be careful, okay? He's in a very sensitive state right now, and the last thing I want to see is for him to--" Jisung cut himself off, eyes widening. He almost revealed something else about Jaemin that the two males didn't know about.

"To what?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Shall we get going? I really need to take a shower."


i've been listening
to the greatest show
reimagined on repeat for a
good day or two now :)

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