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"I told you to shut up dummy."

That was the first time Chenle had ever kissed him on the lips. To say the least, Jisung never thought this day would come. Yet it did, and he wasn't ready at all.

Just as he was getting used to the usual pecks on his cheeks, forehead, nose, and so on too. Chenle just had to come in and hit him with this.

"Y-You didn't have to k-kiss me though." Jisung was stumbling over his words as rose colored his cheeks.

"I've kissed you many times before though."

"Yeah, but never on the lips!"

"Did you not like it?" Chenle asked innocently.

"I-I..." Jisung didn't know what to respond with.

He wanted to say, yes, he did enjoy it. So much that he wants to do it again.

Chenle saw how conflicted Jisung looked and decided to stop it there,"You don't have to answer me Ji. If I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

'No. I want you to do it again.'

"So, Park Jisung. Back to topic...you, like me?"

Jisung had totally forgot that he just blurted out his big fat crush on the elder male, while giving his small speech about how special the latter was.

"No! No I don't." The younger denied.

"You can't fool me Jisung. I heard what I heard, and it was clear that you said that you liked me."

"I--fine. You caught me. I never meant to admit it though. Especially at a time like this." Jisung knew there was no point in denying it anymore. Whatever was said, has been said and there's no reversing it now.

"Tell me. How long have I been hurting you Ji?" The elder male asked, sympathy lacing his words.

"I wasn't hurt--"

"Stop lying Ji, there's no use in lying anymore."

Jisung let out a defeated sigh,"Ever since, like I don't know, second year of middle school?"

Chenle's eyes widened a bit,"You liked me for that long? I--I'm so sorry for not noticing it soon--"

"Don't be sorry Lele. It wasn't your fault at all. None of it was okay? It was me and my stupid feelings. I definitely don't want you to feel obligated to return my feelings at all. Sure, it'll hurt like a butt cheek on a stick and all that but I'll eventually get over it. It would be nice if this doesn't affect our friendship. I think it's best if we just forgot I every said anything to be honest like--"

"You're rambling again Ji." Chenle said softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to."

"It's alright, and don't worry, I won't treat you any different after this Ji."

'I might even grant you your wish...wait, what? Inner Chenle, what are you talking about?'


"Why are you so giddy today?" Jisung gave the elder male a weird look as he sat down on the couch next to him.

"Noren. That's why." He sighed dreamily, a lazy smile plastered on his face.

"What happened when they talked to you?"

"Talked? More like showered in affection. I feel like the luckiest boy in the entire universe right now."

"I told you that they liked you! But no, you decided to be stubborn and not believe me." Jisung said, dragging out the 'no' whilst rolling his eyes and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Oh shut up you fetus. Anyways, how was the Jieun Chenle situation? Did he drop the bitch?" Jaemin asked, facing the younger male.

"Yes, he did. She had only dated him for his social status apparently." Jisung answered.

"That rat, I swear I'm gonna--"

"Don't, Nana-hyung."

Jaemin sighed,"Fine."

"I did fuck up big time though." Jisung said, sinking deeper into the cushions.

"What? Did you accidentally confess to him or something?" Jaemin joked, not really believing Jisung would do that.


"WAIT WHAT? I'M--WHAT? I WAS JUST JOKING, OH MY NOREN." The elder was flabbergasted. "What did he say?"

"He basically said that it was all cool and that he wouldn't treat me any differently." The younger recited.

"Sounds like code for, 'I like you too', to me." Jaemin muttered under his breath but Jisung definitely heard it, responding with a slap to the arm.

"He really cared for her Nana-hyung. It's not going to be easy to get over her, and I'm sure as hell, Chenle can't even possibly fall for me that fast. " Jisung reasoned, the reality of the situation really hitting him hard in the gut.

"Not that fast huh? Well, I'm sure he's going to eventually figure it out. I mean who leaves their girlfriend just to go find their best friend?" Jaemin recalled the events of the town festival they both went to.

He saw how utterly worried the green haired male looked when he rushed to Jisung's side. His girlfriend wasn't with him either, so he just assumed he told her to go home or he just left her. He was kind of hoping for the latter option.

"Not Chenle, I know that for sure." Jisung answered, shoulders slumped.

"I honestly believe you're as dense and Chenle at this point."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Jaemin just chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair before standing up,"Goodnight Jisung."

After the elder male went to his room, Jisung was left alone in the living room with a million thoughts swirling around in his head. Was he really that dense?

What was it that he didn't see?


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