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Days passed and Chenle didn't feel like himself anymore. Neither did Jisung, but he tried to be strong for the both of them. They needed a bit of cheering up, and Jisung thought it was a good idea to get some fresh air.

"I don't wanna go out Jisung." The elder grumbled from under his blankets.

"Well you are, whether you like it or not. I know you're sad about mama passing, but get that I am too. I'm pretty sure the last thing she wants you to do right now is to wallow in your sorrows." Jisung stated.

As painful as it was, Jisung had a point. If his mother was able to communicate with him after death, she'd probably tell him to not drown in his own guilt and sadness. Her death was just another chapter and obstacle in his life.

He knew he had to move on at some point, because he himself had a full life ahead of him as well. Jisung was still there with him, and so were his father and friends.

Slowly lowering his blanket, he saw Jisung holding out his hand for him. A soft smile was plastered on his lips for the sole purpose to cheer the elder up.

"We can go to that flower garden again if you want, and we can make more flower crowns." The younger suggested.

Chenle took in a deep breath and sat up, taking ahold of the younger's hand, "Sure."


The two ended up bringing their photography project with them to the flower garden. They had finished gathering enough photos, so all they had to do was glue and decorate.

Sitting themselves on the deserted field, they opened up the scrapbook they bought and spread out the pictures before them.

"Look! It's us when we were busking with everyone." Chenle pointed out, a smile poking at his lips.

Jisung picked up the photo, admiring them two. It was like he was in the moment again, when everything flowed in slow motion and it was just the two of them.

Nothing else mattered.

"You look so cute in it too." The younger mused, placing the picture back down. "We should put it as the last photo, don't you think?"

Chenle just nodded, agreeing to the latter's suggestion.

"Remember that dance that we never ended up going to?" The green haired male asked, picking at the petals of a daisy in his hands.

"Mhm. By the way, Jaemin was just playing around when he asked me to go to that dance. He just wanted to see if you got jealous, which, in fact, you did." Jisung proceeded to pinch Chenle's cheek in a teasing manner.

"Oh shut up, I wasn't jealous. I was just highly annoyed." He defended as he pushed off the younger's abnormally large hands.

Jisung scoffed, "Same difference Lele."

The two spent the rest of the day just decorating the blank pages of their photobook, whilst reminiscing on the memory that each picture held.

Approaching the final page to their masterpiece, Chenle picked up their last photo and smeared glue on its back then placed it in the center of the page.

"What should we write for the ending?" Jisung asked, marker in hand.

Chenle started to think, looking around for any ideas. As his eyes searched around the place, his gaze landed on his shoes. They were the worn out converse they drew on on christmas. The ones that he wore way too often, he'd lost count on how many times he had worn them.

And lo and behold, the idea came to him in an instant.

"Love, Chick and Dolphin." He answered confidently.

Jisung practically melted at the elder male's suggestion. He was busting the biggest uwu ever, Jungwoo could never.

"That's cute, just like you." Jisung complimented as he wrote down the words on the bottom of the page.

Chenle just sighed in response, falling back onto the soft bed of grass and flowers. "What did I deserve to have someone like you in my life? After all I did as well, I'm surprised you never left my side."

After finishing the finishing touches, he laid right next to Chenle as well, eyes staring up at the blue sky adorned with fluffy white clouds. "You're special to me Lele, and I can never express how happy I am every time I'm with you. I would never leave your side, and even if I did, you'll always have a place in my heart and memories."

Jisung was then greeted with silence from the elder male. Then came the quiet sniffles.

Shifting his position to face the shorter, he reached over to wipe away the falling tears slowly making their way down the side of his face.

"Don't cry Lele. It's alright, I'm right here." Just as Jisung was about to pull his hand away, Chenle pulled it back, intertwining their fingers.

"I-I don't think I can e-ever lose you, y'know? A-After my mom...I d-don't think I-I would be able t-to handle it." Chenle stuttered through his small hiccups.

And just like that, an iris flower fluttered on top of the male's cheek. He didn't know what it was, but he felt warmth envelope his being along with a soft brush against his other cheek for a few seconds before he was back the feeling chilly again.

With scrunched up brows, he turned his head to look at the younger, to only see him eyes closed whilst facing up at the sky. Their hands were still interlocked, which only fueled Chenle's confusion.

He looked back up and let out a light gasp at the sight before him. Dandelion petals rode on the light breeze passing by.

"Jisung, look!" He whispered, slightly shaking the male beside him.

Cracking open his eyes, the wonderful sight caught his attention as well.


The two laid there in the flower filled field, hand in hand, eyes trained on the beauty of nature gifted to them on that fateful day.

In that moment, it was just Jisung and Chenle. Just the two of them, no one else. And that's just how they liked it, being in each other's presence, giving the utmost love and affection to each other, and just being the infamous Chensung duo they always were, and always will be.


i'm pretty sure y'all already saw it in that last chapter from either guessing or finding out from younghooo (i still hate ya bis <3) but the next chapter shall be the last. it's been a pleasure in writing this book for you guys to read and enjoy :))))

also, let's talk about chenji's this and that for a moment. someone make a whole compilation of jisung calling chenle cute, i swear that boy is whipped.

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