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"I fucking hate my life. Where is satan when I need him to scoop me up and drag me down to hell?" Jisung was regretting his life choices as he sat cross legged on the floor of his room, while his friends were cooing at him. Treating him like some newborn baby.

He had lost the bet, so now, he was stuck with ginger colored cat ears placed on his head and a red collar on his neck. Oh how he hated that definitely rigged karaoke machine.

Out of everyone, he scored a 70.

"OH MY GOD HE'S SO FREAKING CUTE, I CAN'T! STOP! I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH UWUS TO DROP THIS TIME AROUND!" Jaemin squealed dramatically, while he fell onto the carpeted floor and started to roll around on it.

Chenle on the other hand had stepped out before the transformation, and he needed to take a quick shower from across the hall. Besides, they were in a small room dancing and singing their hearts out, it was bound to get all icky and sweaty.

After he was done, he just threw on the hoodie and basketball shorts he stole from Jisung. It wasn't like the younger male would've minded either.

Once he was all done, he walked out to hear a bunch of loud squealing and cooing coming from behind Jisung's room. Chenle let out a slight chuckle just imagining how much Jisung would be hating this right now.

Right when he opened the door, all eyes turned to him. One pair of eyes turned as wide as saucers, then tried to avoid the elder's gaze. Heat rose to the latter's cheeks, the shyness settling in.

"Aye~Your boyfriend is finally here!" Jeno teased, slipping on a sly smirk.

Jisung didn't respond verbally. In fact, he kind of just scooted over behind Jaemin to hide himself. But of course, you could still see the plush ears sticking out from behind the pink haired male's shoulders.

"Is our Jisungie shy?" Donghyuck asked, raising a playful suspicious brow.

"W-WHo said that?! I just find Nana-hyung's back really interesting right now." He said hastily, curling up even more behind the elder male.

The youngest was really hoping Chenle would take his time in the shower, but no, that wasn't the case. Now he was feeling all shy and flustered, which was absolutely great, amazing even.

"Y'know what, it's getting late, me and the others will take our leave now." Renjun announced, already dragging both Jaemin and Jeno up from off the ground.

"Agreed!" Donghyuck also stood up and linked arms with Mark once he stood up as well.

"W-Wait! You guys are just going to leave me like this?!" Jisung quietly hissed, tugging on Jaemin's arm.

"Oh c'mon Jisung, don't act like that. You have thirty minutes left, you'll be fine." The pink haired male just gave him a smile and patted his head, before following his lovers out of Jisung's room.

"Let's hope Chenle doesn't develop some weird kink like Renjun after this." Donghyuck muttered, a quiet chortle leaving his lips.

Chenle heard and gave the elder male a lighthearted slap on the shoulder before Donghyuck completely left the room with the others.

Once the room was cleared, leaving only Chenle and Jisung behind. The younger male avoided Chenle's gaze as if, if he were to look him straight in the eye, he would turn into dust.

"Ji, it's just cat ears and a collar. Nothing to be embarrassed about." Chenle said calmly, in hopes for his boyfriend to chill a bit.

"But it's embarrassing!" Jisung whined, fiddling with the plush ears.

"You literally walked out of that bathroom door, practically naked might I add, with a towel on your waist. Then proceeded to asked me if I liked what I saw. How is that not the slightest bit embarrassing compared to this?"

"That's different!" Jisung argued back, then groaned burying his face into the palms of his hands.

Rolling his eyes, Chenle sat down in front of Jisung and gently pulled Jisung's hands away from his face. "Hey."

"Hm?" Right when Jisung replied, Chenle had hooked two of his fingers under the red collar and pulled Jisung closer.

"You look cute, okay? You don't have to feel embarrassed around me." He assured, pressing on a chaste kiss onto the latter's nose then ruffled his fluffy locks before pulling away.

Before he could pull completely, Jisung pulled him back, smashing their lips together. It caught Chenle off guard, but he managed to adjust. The kiss was quite feverish this time around, causing the mood become a little more intimate.

Chenle let out a small groan feeling a wave of bliss wash over him. He fixated himself onto Jisung's lap, not breaking their make out session. Until the elder pulled away to trail butterfly kisses down the younger's jaw to his neck.

Grumbling about the collar being in the way, he took the item off and threw it to the side somewhere continuing his work. It tickled Jisung a bit making him slip out a small giggle.

"T-That tickles."

Giggling as well, Chenle placed a final kiss on the younger's cheek before laying his head on one of the younger's shoulders. He wrapped his arms around Jisung's torso and snuggled closer to the male, sighing in contentment.

Jisung blushed at the feeling blossoming in his chest, the feeling of the rapid palpitations coming from his heart. Even though they were already official, the butterflies never flew away nor disappeared. His heart still pounded against his chest like a madman's, and he realized that this was actually real.

It seemed all so dreamlike and unreal. The kisses, the intimacy, the feelings, the love.

They all seemed so far away back then, but now, it was all there right in front of him to embrace.



"I love you."

Chenle let an innocent chuckle pass through his lips before replying with, "I love you too Park Jisung and I don't regret falling for you either."


first off, gotta go is a whole bop. we stan our queen chungha in the household.
second, y'allsters are amazing as always, getting 'cherry kisses' to #1 for chensung. (can y'all hear me sobbing through the screen?)
anyways, i'm feeling quite uwuwuwuwuwu after rewatching chenle and jisung's this and that videos :'D

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