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" i can't wait to taste all of your cherry kisses "

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" i can't wait to taste all of your cherry kisses "


"I want a cat!"

"But dogs are so much better though!"

"How about we just get both?"

"Do we have the money for it though?"

"Oh, c'mon Chenle, you're rich remember?"

The said male just rolled his eyes, thinking about how they got into this situation in the first place.

Ah, right.

The two were walking around in town when they passed by a pet store, and since they were in college and were living in an apartment together, they thought why not? Walking into the store, the sight of various animals filled their sights, along with their basic needs.

They looked around and came quite attached to a certain kitten and puppy.

Jisung was given permission to play with one of the kittens and so was Chenle. So there they were in the small playroom playing with a white scottish fold kitten named Lucky.

The worker had handed Chenle the kitten, settling it into the latter's hands. There, the kitten laid down in his hands, purring quietly. He quietly squealed as he brought the kitten up to eye level.

Jisung watched Chenle staring at the little kitten adoringly, and honestly, it was the cutest thing he's ever witnessed. He stood there thanking the gods for blessing him with such an adorable boyfriend.

"Ji, look! His eyes are blue!" Chenle turned the kitten around a bit to show Jisung his eyes.

"Awe, that's so cute. You know, he kinda looks like you." Jisung commented, while using his finger to gently pet the kitten's head.

A soft meow was heard from Lucky and the two males instantly cooed at him. Since Chenle was still holding the kitten near Jisung's face, the kitten went on its hind legs and propped up his paws on one of Jisung's cheeks.

Jisung's eyes widened a bit, as he stood deathly still. Scared that if he moved the kitten will fall. The small creature's eyes wandered around the boy's face until he started to lick the latter's face.

Jisung subtly scrunched up his nose, feeling all ticklish.

"Look at that, he likes you." After Chenle had said that, the kitten meowed again, seemingly agreeing with the male.

The two played with little Lucky until they had to go. As they handed the kitten back to the worker, its little paws hooked onto the cuff of Jisung's sweater, meowing loudly.

"It seems like little Lucky likes you." The worker said, while she gently removed the kitten's paws from Jisung's clothing. "He's usually a very 'to himself' kind of kitten. To see him like this is quite rare."

"Awe, I'm sorry Lucky. I'll come and visit soon okay? Me and Lele." He promised the kitten, making Chenle feel all soft for the younger male. He was just too precious.

Lucky seemed to understand as he settled down onto the girl's hands and stopped meowing.

Jisung and Chenle reluctantly left the playroom and started to make their way out of the door, but Chenle totally got sidetracked by a pup leaning on the glass while watching them pass by. Of course, Chenle couldn't resist and dragged Jisung back to look at the puppy with him.

"Oh my goshies, he's so cute! Look at his little paws and its fluffy fur--"

Jisung just stared at the male with a fond smile plastered on his lips. He also looked at the puppy, and the puppy sure was cute. Looking at the label stuck onto the corner of the glass, he found out that the puppy was actually a girl, who's name was Byul.

"Lele, she's a girl."

"Oh really? I'm sorry--uh--"


"I'm sorry Byul."

The puppy just let out a bark, as she pawed at the glass separating them two.

Chenle let out the nth squeal that day and pulled Jisung in to hug, "Please get me a puppy for my birthday this year?"

"I'll save up." Hearing the younger's response made him place a quick kiss on his lips.

"Thank you!"

That then lead to the current situation. Taking place a week after their visit to the pet shop.

"Okay, fine. Let's adopt both Lucky and Byul. Does that sound good?" Jisung immediately nodded his head like an excited child being rewarded for being good.

And just like that, after a few days of signing contracts and gathering things for the two extra beings, both Lucky and Byul were brought back to their humble abode.

It was around ten at night when they finally got home, so the couple decided to have a movie night while cuddling on the couch with their two new pets. They ended up picking out the movie Tangled, then hopped onto the couch getting themselves comfortable.

Lucky and Byul, who were already on the couch, crawled over to their owner's laps. Lucky settling himself on Jisung's, while Byul, on Chenle's. A big fluffy blanket was draped around them, making sure everything was cozy and warm.

Chenle scooted a little closer to Jisung and rested his head on the latter's shoulder right when the movie began.

"This is the best choice I've ever made." The elder said, his hand gently petting Byul's head.

"Oh? So I'm not the best choice you've ever made. Okay, then I get you." Jisung playfully said back in a false saddened tone, dramatically sniffling.

"No! I don't mean it like that! You're my first best choice, and these lovelies are my second." Chenle pouted and hooked his free arm around Jisung's free arm.

"Awe, you're too cute Lele." The taller cooed, reaching over and gently pinched the shorter's cheek.

"Oh shut it, and watch the movie."

"Ok, princess. Whatever you say."


just a little something extra for y'all just because :)

and also, i would like to announce that 'fairy dust' will be released soon! so look out for that. markhyuck really be making me bust uwus everywhere i see them.

then there's bjwl, i haven't updated it in like forever. i swear it's not gonna disappear y'all, i'm just having a major writer's block with it. the amount of hate i have for writer's blocks are uncanny. for now, it'll just have really slow updates until my creative juices start flowing again for that book.

anyways, hope you guys enjoyed reading 'cherry kisses' as much as i enjoyed writing it for you. until next time!

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