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"A little to the right."

"No left a bit."

"No, back to the right."

"Move it an itty bit to the top."

"Back to--"

"JUST DO IT YOURSELF HYUNG!" Jisung yelled in frustration as he dropped the banner on top of Jaemin, who was standing at the bottom of the ladder.

The pink haired male sighed, pulling the banner off of his head, "Didn't you offer to help though?"

"Yeah, I did, but I didn't know it was going to be like this." The younger argued back as he hopped down from the bottom step.

"Guess I'll just have to do it myself. Chenle's off with his dad correct?"

"Yup, he won't suspect a thing." Jisung rubbed his hands together like he was some cliche evil villain, as a dark chuckle left his mouth.

Everyone was at Chenle's house, preparing for the male's birthday party. Jisung had talked to Chenle's dad a couple days prior to Chenle's birthday, and the man agreed to distract his son for the day as Jisung and the others set up.


"Where are we going dad?" Chenle asked from the passenger seat of his father's car.

"We're going to a little brunch then I have another surprise afterwards." His father stated, eyes focused on the road in front of him.

"Surprise?!" The teenager's ears perked up upon hearing the term, his mood instantly brightening.

Jianyu, Chenle's dad, hummed in response as he turned to wheel to round a corner towards their destination.

"Can you at least give me a hint?"

"Nope, you just have to wait and see for yourself."

Chenle started whining like a little kid, hoping that his father would get ticked off enough to reveal his surprise. But of course, his dad didn't even budge.

Giving up on his tactic, he opted to just just sit there and stare out the window. Just looking at the scenery flying past him in a blur of colors. He wondered if Jisung remembered his birthday today.

The male hasn't even sent him a single text nor called since the night before, and Chenle was getting a bit disappointed at this point. Did his boyfriend/best friend for life/soulmate/his home skillet biscott really forget his birthday?

Everyone else wished him a happy birthday, so what was up with Jisung?

Was--no. He is not going to assume the worse case scenario again. He has to trust that Jisung will wish him a happy birthday today. That when he comes home, he'll be greeted with his adorable boyfriend pulling one of his pranks he'd always pull every birthday.

Yeah, Jisung didn't forget his birthday. He never would.


"Are you sure? I don't want another misunderstanding like last time to happen again hyung." Jisung was hanging up small dolphin cutouts on the doorway to the backyard, as he discussed with Jaemin the details of his prank this year.

"I'm pretty sure Chenle's smart enough to know that it's a prank Sung. Besides, you've pulled a prank for every birthday you've celebrated with him. It only makes sense, you dig?" Jaemin explained, as he worked on baking the cake.

"You're right. But what if it backfires?"

"Then plan b, shower him in all the love he deserves."

"But I already do that?"

"Yeah, but really make him feel like he's the most precious and most special human being in this whole entire universe. I'm pretty sure he'll appreciate the romantic gesture and you'll grow as a couple." Jaemin explained wisely, but of course, Jisung took it the wrong way.

"I am not having sex with Chenle! Not now at least, we're still minors!"

"Oh my god, Jisung. Not everything romance related automatically means sex! What I mean is take him out somewhere and stargaze or something. Talk to him, tell him how much he means to you. Kiss him, and fill that kiss with all your love for him. Just spend time with him you dimwit!" Frustrated, slammed the cake pan a little too hard on the counter, causing a loud clank to sound out from the kitchen.

Jisung flinched at the loud sound and went silent, thinking about what Jaemin said. Fairly enough, the pink haired male was right. Another idea popped into his mind while he was at it, and a bright smile made its way to his lips.

Months before Chenle's birthday, he had pondered on what to get Chenle for his birthday. Every year it was something physical with a significant meaning. This year, he was going to do something different, something he'd never thought he would give as a present. Something he'd never thought was a valid gift to give.

Call him lazy for not going out and buying something, but he didn't care. He knew what he was going to give Chenle and it was love. Pure love from Jisung to him.

Jisung loved Chenle to bits, and he realized that as time passed by around them. He really loves the male and he hopes with all of his being that this beautiful feeling would never fade away. It was too precious and he couldn't afford to lose it.


Chenle's eyes widened as he and his father enter the premises of Seoul Nambu Correctional Institution.

"A-Are we--?"

"Yes we are, son." His father answered following a worker that was directing him where to park.

The young male fell silent, letting the information finally sink in. He was going to see him mother again.

He was going to see his mother again.

It all seemed so surreal. After years of not seeing or having any means of communication with her, he was finally getting to meet her in person. He could remember the last time he saw her, and it was when she was getting put away into prison.



"Do you have that candy?"

"Of course. It's in there." He pointed at the compartment located in front of Chenle as he finally parked the car.

Pulling the compartment open, a clear pink bag laid there with individually wrapped multicolored candies on the inside. He reached inside the bag and pulled out a pink colored candy that was wrapped in an iridescent wrapper.

Strawberry. His mother's favorite flavor, and a flavor he came to know as a flavor of home and comfort.

"You ready?"

Chenle looked up and smiled at his father, "Ready as I'll ever be."


keep the number four in mind y'all, it means something important ;)

alsooooo, i've got two more translations of 'cherry kisses' from two more amazing authors! one in korean and one in french. the korean translation is already out with the first chapter, as for the french translation is in the works. remember, no rush guys. take your time and translate when you have free time or when you feel like translating!

igotnojams11 | korean translation

NawelleBenarab | french translation

cherry kisses | chensungWhere stories live. Discover now