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Chenle spotted Jisung up ahead of him, headphones in and hands in his hoodie pocket. The elder boy was just in the middle of running to school, but had slowed down when he recognized the younger's figure a few feet ahead of him.

Jisung looked like he was taking his sweet time, not giving a literal fuck that he was going to be late at the pace he was going. Just strolling and enjoying the nice weather that morning.

Chenle admired the boy from afar, like his fluffy hair that was slightly ruffled up because of the wind or his relaxed stature. Everything about him seemed perfect to Chenle.

An idea popped into Chenle's mind, and with a growing smile on his face, he started running towards Jisung. His arms started to open up and once he was close enough, he enveloped Jisung in a hug from behind.

The younger stumbled a bit from the sudden weight, his headphones slightly slipping off revealing the sweet sound of Chenle's laugh.

"Did I scare you?" Chenle asked, head poking out from behind him.

"A little." Jisung admitted, feeling his heart palpitate as he noticed how close they were.

Chenle proceeded to unwrap his arm around the boy and settled on the stop beside him.

"You really don't care if you're late huh?"

"It's Friday, let me live a little Lele." Jisung groaned, slouching a bit.

The shorter male just rolled his eyes, matching his pace with Jisung's. Since the weather a bit chilly, Chenle tried to find some kind of warmth in the pockets of his jacket but ended up finding none.

He guessed the fabric was just a bit too thin, so he took both his hands out of his pockets and started to rub them together. Jisung side eyed the elder male, and let a minuscule smirk appear on his features.

Jisung pulled out one of his hands from his pocket and took ahold of one of Chenle's hands, interlocking their fingers. Then, he stuffed both his and Chenle's hands back into his hoodie pocket.


"Shut up and just enjoy it. You asked for it, remember?"

Chenle just bashfully looked down at his shoes, rose painting his fair cheeks. He was really trying not to burst into the brightest smile ever, but of course he failed.

Tingles of bliss ran through his whole body. If you were to describe the boy's growing happiness, he would say it was like a fresh summer's day.

Full of that lovely smile of Jisung's and clusters of those coreopsis and crocus flowers. Matter of fact, he finally learned how to preserve flowers (no help from Renjun of course). So now, the flower crown was placed in a metal rimmed frame on his bedroom wall.

Once the two made it on school grounds, they made their way to their first periods. They probably missed like half the class already, but who cares? At least they even came to school.

As they walked through the door, their teacher, Mr. Seo just sighed and motioned them to go sit down. "I'll talk to the two of you after class, so stay back alright?"

The two boys muttered a quick 'yes sir' and took their seats, which were unfortunately across the room from each other. Chenle's seat mate was Renjun, who was making kissy faces at the younger whilst pointing at Jisung.

Chenle was beyond embarrassed and kept slapping the elder's arm, urging him to stop.

"Ok! Class, you know it's that time of the month again." Mr. Seo announced to the class.

"Your man period is starting? Because, same." One of the students, presumably Lee Donghyuck, commented. Other students let out quiet chuckles while Mr. Seo just let out a sigh.

"No, that was very far off Donghyuck. It's project time everyone!" He cheered just as the students groaned in displeasure. "Oh, cheer up you nincompoops. The project isn't even that hard. I mean, it's pretty big I guess, but it's doable."

"That's what she said." Another student muttered quite loudly.

"She definitely didn't say that to you though." Mr. Seo retorted.

The class ooh'ed in unison, making the student blush in embarrassment.

"Oof, Mr. Seo got you there man!"

"You just got fried by a teacher, I'm wheezing."

"Ok ok! Enough! If you guys want to actually make a good grade on this project, I'd advise you to listen to the guidelines." Everyone finally calmed down, their attention going back to being on the tall man.

"This project will be worth two major grades, and I'd recommend you actually put some effort into this. Now onwards with what it actually is, since this is a photography and videography course, you will be either be making a photobook or a video. The contents can be about anything to your liking, but please make sure it's school appropriate. The photobook must have at least 30-50 pictures and as for the video, it must be at least three minutes long. That's pretty much it kiddos. Be creative about it too understand? Now, any questions?" He scanned the room for any hands, and there was one.

"Yes Jisung?"

"Is it a partner project or an individual project?"

"You can work with a partner or you can work by yourself. Just make sure to turn it in on time and meet all the criteria, then it should be a simple double hundred." Mr. Seo answered. "Any other questions?"

He scanned the class once again and this time, no hands were raised.

"You guys can start with brainstorming with the remaining time we have left. Those who are working together, please come up and write you and your partner's name on this sheet of paper up here." Then with that, the teens started to shuffle around the room discussing partners and whatnot.

"Lele!" Jisung called from across the room, holding up a paper that read 'PARTNERS?'.

Chenle just looked at the boy, nodding.

When Mr. Seo was talking, Chenle had already thought of a million ideas for a photobook and a video. He couldn't wait to get started too. And with Jisung as his partner, he was more than ready to let his feelings develop once again.

Only this time, he won't be running away from them.


i'm so ready for
winter break but i gotta
get through midterms first
and i can't exempt first
semester fml

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