Letter 25

25 2 0

Dear Ava
I'll have to disagree with you about knowing you so well. Aside from the fact that you have a secret stash of pop tarts:)

Now thinking back we've really been just telling each other what's been happening and our feelings. Maybe it's time to take it up a notch to actually get to know each other. Like let's start off with simple things. Though I'm pretty sure it was suppose to be the other way around but oh well!

Like this:
1:When I'm nervous I start shaking my hands and my legs start to bounce up and down. Or I start ruffling my hair.

2. I like living on the countryside. It so peaceful and more calming than the city.

3. Nighttime is the my favourite time of the day.

4. I'm good in Math.

5. I can play the guitar but only one song.

6. Im allergic to flowers. When there around me I start sneezing like crazy and end up having my eyes well up into tears. I think this only happens to me but when I know there around somewhere near me I start to turn green. Literally green.

That's all for it today and I'll make sure to rely your message to my brother. But I'm pretty sure he already heard your message though. He be glad I had a friend somewhere listening to my thoughts.

From Jonas

I'm glad that Ava thinks that way. That she at least thinks I know her best when in truth I really barely know anything about her. But how can I fall in love with someone to someone I barely know? For all I know she could be a criminal. It really only occurred to me that we were both lying to each other. Well I haven't been lying. Maybe she has.


I'm getting over my head.

I slap myself for thinking ill about her.
In my heart somewhere I could tell that everything she has told me about was the truth so far. Or another reason could be that I was blinded by love.

Jonas. Stop. Using. The. Word. Love.

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