Letter 4

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Dear Daydreaming Jonas
                 I'm laughing at you right now. No offence  but I find it quite funny that you stared at your sergeant and got in trouble for doing that. Not only that but how dumbfounded you were to receive a letter from me.

Also I actually thought you were a thirty or at least in your forties when you wrote that letter. Who knew we were only three years apart in age. Soon to be two years since I'm turning eighteen in two months. How's it like in the army? I hear it's stressful and you train like the special forces. It's true right? Man if it was you would be like the SWAT team!

Okay I may be faking some excitement there. For sure war is not exciting at all.  Bombs go off at least a few cities away from where I live. They say we're safe where we are and I believe that, but how many people die out there fighting for us. How much more innocents have to die in order for the whole damn world to get over themselves?

Sorry about my little rant there. The war is getting to me. I wasn't like this before hell broke loose but, weren't we all different before the war?

Anyways hope you do well in your military training.

                                     From Ranting Ava

I have a feeling that Jonas Hopkins is going to change my life. For better or worse.

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