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September 6th, 2014

"So are you sure you got everything written down? Do you have the checklist?" Katie asked as if she was a mother asking her child going into their first day of school if they had everything they needed.

"Yes, Katie." I laughed "Go on now, Walker is in the car waiting for you." I laughed looking out the door and seeing his impatient self sitting in the drivers seat of his Range Rover. He's a non-bratty rich kid. Actually scratch that, he's a lovable brat.

"Okay, okay. You're right. I just really want this to work out, Laur." She said.

"It will, trust me. He tried to hit on me so much today, Kait. It's already working." I said "Now get out of here before my parents get home!" I laughed shooing her out the door. She laughed back and I shut it on her. I turned around and let my head hit it softly while I shut my eyes. Unfortunately when I opened them, I saw the devil itself.

"Why do you have friends over? Isn't mom mad at you? That's literally risking your soul, like mom and dad already hate you this won't make it better." Mackenzie jabbered on. It's like her main goal every day is to not forget to remind me that my parents dislike my presence.

"Oh my god, Mackenzie. Don't you have cocks to suck?" I blurted out and instantly covered my mouth. I did not mean to say that to her, but it was hilarious either way so I shrugged it off and laughed to myself. If only you could high five yourself, really.

"Excuse you?" She gasped.

"Literally don't act surprised, I know you've sucked one anyways. Katie's brother is not quiet and it's actually pretty nasty since you're wait, how old? Oh yeah, four fucking teen!" I told her. I have had my past with guys, but that's two real boyfriends and I'm still a virgin.

"Oh my god, Lauren." She groaned. "Get over the fact that I have a boyfriend and you don't. Get over the fact guys want me and not you. Get over the fact that I'm the better sister and everyone in school knows it. It's inevitable, Lauren. I will always be better than you." She said making me laugh.

"Okay, get this through your thick uneducated skull Mackenzie. You are younger than me, and you are a slut. Yes, you are very loyal to Chase but you and Chase do things that people my age do. It doesn't make you cool to grow up fast. Guys do ask me for my number, it's me who isn't ready for a relationship. It was only the beginning of summer when Connor and I broke up and that we started in the middle of eighth grade. Think what you want, because walking around with that attitude you will never be half the person I will." I told her honestly.

"Drown in hell." She muttered with a huff and she walked away to her bedroom. I laughed to myself and headed to my bedroom changing into my pajamas. I turned on my TV and called it a night. Walking over towards my bed, I lifted up the sheets and fell into the comfort of my Tempur-Pedic bed.

I spent a little time scrolling through all of my social medias before my eyes began to get heavier. I took my nightly medication for mood issues and anxiety and then I fell asleep dreaming about whatever I wanted to be dreaming about that night.

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September 7th, 2014

"Okay students, open up your books to page two hundred and thirty four and read until page two hundred and thirty nine. You have until the end of the hour to complete it, if you finish early do not talk or send notes. You may doodle or work on something for another class." The teacher said being his usual self.

It was only the last day of Week One, and I knew this teacher was going to be an asshole all year.

Suddenly as I was reading the third page, I felt a piece of paper on my arm. I looked up to see a folded up paper and a smirking Cameron. I chuckled to myself at how much of an idiot he is. Like genuinely he must be dumb, either way I opened it up. Why not?

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