
462 18 0

December 24th, 2014

I was currently in the kitchen with my witch of a mother making sugar cookies. I lightly pressed down on the dough with the cookie cutter making yet another snowman. It was literally like my fiftieth snowman today. I was seriously so done with what my parents were calling "a family day full of quality time and love". They're honestly probably only doing it because my dad is running for Senator and wants to be on our good side so we can help him do his campaign.

"Lauren, dear. Can you pull the cookies out?" My mom asked as she frosted and sprinkled a bunch of cookies. I rolled my eyes and huffed before heading over and getting them out and setting them on the stove to cool off.

"I don't understand why you're so unhappy Lauren, we never spend time together you should be glad we're all together for once!" My mom tried to encourage.

"Can you please just stop? I'm not twelve anymore, mom. I'm not blind to your bullshit, neither is Mackenzie." I said finally looking at her.

"Hey, I didn't ask to be involved." Mackenzie yelled from the living room, and it was easy to keep a conversation going from one room to the other cause our house was an open floor concept.

"Sorry, Kenz," I apologized. "But for real mom, I'm not blind anymore and I'm not going to just sit here and pretend you two ignore us and then choose to be around us on your time. You choose us when it's convenient to you and that's bullshit."

"Well, if that's how you feel..." She shrugged. "But your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are coming in town and I'm not going to have you be rude when they're around." She told me.

"That is seriously all you care about?" I asked, astounded that she doesn't care. Not that I should be, she's always like this.

"Well, I care about your fathers campaign of course." She added, doing more cookies. I couldn't talk to her anymore so I headed in to the living room to help Mackenzie and my dad with the tree.

"Need help?" I asked.

"Always!" Mackenzie said as my dad just shrugged, making me roll my eyes. Good thing I'm not around them often or else my eyeballs would be fucking glued to the back of my head cause they roll back so much.
We continued to do the tree, putting all the ornaments on. My family wasn't the save everything from elementary school and put it on the tree type, they were more like let's buy pretty colors and look like the rich heartless people we are type. I didn't hate my parents, but I didn't see the point in wasting a good day when they don't even spend time with me in the first place. I could be with Cameron right now, spending time with the guy I love. I'm here with my parents instead, miserable. I really was missing Cameron right now. He and his family had went to Colorado a week ago and he was supposed to fly in tonight, so at least I only had a few more hours left until I can ditch this place and go see him.

"So are you seeing Cameron tonight or are you waiting until tomorrow?" My sister asked as she hung another ornament.

"No, he's flying in tonight so I'm going to go over to his house after he gets home from the airport." I told her.

"So you're not going to be here tomorrow morning?" My dad asked.

"No, I will. I'm staying over there for a few hours, coming back here, doing Christmas with our family like always and then I have to be over to Cameron's at three, then we have plans with our friends." I said.

"Well as long as you don't miss Christmas. Everyone would miss you." My mother said. Yeah, everyone but you and dad.

"I just said I wasn't, mom!" I said, frustrated with the fact that she never fucking listens to a word I say. Thankfully I only spend a little crunch of time with her a month.

• • •

"Alright, I'm about to pull in now. See you in a minute." I told him as I turned into his driveway. I hung up and then put my foot on the brakes, putting the car in park and taking the key out of the ignition.
I stepped out of my car, locking it behind me and immediately ran up to the porch where he was standing. As soon as I got to the porch I engulfed him in a tight bone crushing hug as we rocked back and forth. He pulled back from me just enough to connect our lips together and still stay in a hug. We made out for a little bit longer before pulling apart from each other.

"Ahh, I'm so glad you're back." I mumbled in his chest still not letting him go.

"Yeah, you seem awfully happy babe," He chuckled. "It's absolutely adorable."

"You're absolutely adorable." I mocked him, giving him a smile from ear to ear.

"God, I missed my girl so damn much and it was only a week." He told me giving me kisses all over my face. My heart fluttered at him calling me his girl even thought I've been his girl for a few months now. It really never gets old to me. I don't know, honestly.

"You want to go inside now? I've been deprived of cuddles for a whole week now." He pouted, looking cuter than ever. I laughed and nodded before dragging him inside. As soon as we walked in, I was greeted by his mom and sister and his dog Jake.

"I always get so much love when I'm over here." I smiled as I pet Jake a few more times. Cameron kept tugging my arms as he held my hand, so I followed him up there. Once we got to his room he shut the door and locked it behind him for privacy. I walked over to his neatly made bed and jumped under the covers and getting cozy. He changed into some sweatpants and then took off his shirt before getting under the covers with me.
He snaked his arm around my waist and then pulled me into him before he crashed his lips onto mine, slowly building up the heat. He slowly tried to hover over me but I decided to keep him where he was and straddle him instead. It didn't go any further than kissing and I honestly didn't mind, when we're ready it'll happen. I'm not going to rush anything.

"God, I love you." He whispers huskily against my lips.

"I love you way more, dork." I smiled against his lips. We pretty much had spent the rest of the night talking and watching movies. He told me what happened in Colorado and said maybe next year I can come and meet his family, which made my stomach do backflips. Once it hit about two in the morning I decided it was unfortunately time to go home. I didn't want to but I knew if I didn't my dad would have a shit fit tomorrow morning when I'm not there to open their ridiculously expensive presents. It's like their way of filling us with love for sucking all year basically.
Cameron slipped on a sweatshirt and then we headed downstairs, him walking me out to my car.

"You sure you're not too tired to drive?" He asked, for like the millionth time.

"I'm positive, babe. I'll be okay." I smiled, reassuring him.

"Okay. Drive safe, I love you." He said kissing me one last time.

"Save some for the mistletoe, Cam," I giggled. "I love you too." I smiled before getting in to my car. I grabbed my keys and put them in the ignition, staying in park and checking my phone before I leave. I went through my notifications finding texts from the girls, Walker, Shawn, Mackenzie, and a blocked number. My eyes and finger instantly went to blocked number.

From: blocked number
merry christmas, bitch. I have some presents in store for you.

If Cameron was worried earlier about me driving tired, he'd be awfully glad to know that I'm wide fucking awake now.

•                    •                    •

Well look at that a double update
Luv y'all
Thanks for readin 💜💜💜💜

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