
175 4 1

January 10th, 2015

"Cameron! How could you?!" I screeched as he threw soap onto me from the bucket and started squirting me with the hose. We were currently in the backyard giving Jake a bath, but Cameron clearly had other plans. He just kept laughing and washing Jake as I wiped myself off. I couldn't exactly be mad at someone so cute, especially when he wasn't really wearing many clothes either.

"You're such a brat, you know that right?" I giggled, shoving him a little.

"Yeah, but you're still like madly in love with me." He laughed.

"Of course I am. Look at yourself." I joked to him.

"Hmm, and that's the only reason you love me?" He played along.

"No, I love your messy brown hair." I said as I started to tease him, slowly walking closer as I ran my fingers through his damp hair. "I love the way your eyes light up when you see someone you love." I continued, putting my hand on his cheek, admiring him. "I love the way you laugh at my stupid jokes that are totally not close to funny." I giggled. "But most of all, I love you inside and out. Your personality is like no ones I've ever met. You are not only the most handsome boy ever on the outside, you are truly a beautiful soul. That's why I'm madly in love with you." I told him, kissing him on the cheek.

I know you're probably thinking, "Isn't the boy supposed to say stuff like that?" And my answer is no. Boys needed to know they're appreciated too. As much as it's nice to hear I'm beautiful, and his perfect girl, I want him to know he's my perfect boy.

"God, how did I get so lucky to have you?" He smiled, bigger than I've ever seen before. Suddenly his faces dropped though, and turned from happy to serious.

"Cam, what?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm just scared." He told me honestly.

"Scared of what?"

"Loving you as much as I do. I love you so much that I'm actually terrified. No one has ever made me feel the way you do, and to me that's completely and utterly terrifying." He sighed out. Almost as if it relieved him to tell me that.

"Cameron, look at me." I said, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look me down straight in the eye. "I will never give you a reason to fall out of love with me. I will never give you a reason to feel like you were right for being scared of your feelings for me."

"No matter how far away I am?"

"No matter how far away you are, I will still be madly in love with every part of you." I told him, at least I tried to before I was cut off by his lips crashing against mine. I instantly brought my hands up to his hair, entangling them in his subtle curls. He brought his hands to both sides of my cheeks. It sounded so cheesy, all of this, it really did.

But, Cameron is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't care how cheesy and obnoxious we seem or sound, it was simply the truth.
Our little moment was cut off by a loud, and slightly angry, female voice.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas!!!" I heard Gina shout loudly enough from the house for us to hear it outside. I looked up at him with the biggest "oh shit" look ever.

"Yeah, mom?" He shouted back as she ran her way outside into the backyard.

"Why is Jake muddy and wet and running through my house? My white tiled and white everything house!!!" She exclaimed, clearly annoyed. Suddenly, the most childish sheepish smile appeared on his face, realizing that he got so caught up with me that he forgot about the muddy and sopping wet dog we were giving a bath.

"Uh, well. I may have forgotten about him?" He shrugged, not exactly knowing how to act since he never really pisses his mom off. It's more so just Sierra that he annoys.

"Gina, I'm sorry. It was completely my fault he got distracted." I apologized.

"Oh, honey. Don't be sorry, if I were to choose any thing to distract my son, I want it to be you." She smiled at me. "Cameron, please just go get Jake and clean him up." She asked him, calming down.

"Alright. Sorry mom, I love you, I love you, I love you." He said, running up and giving her kisses all over, smothering her with love. It made me so happy that I got to be a part of his life.

It made me even happier that he thinks I'm such an important part of his life.

K a t i e - didn't fucking expect that shit did ya now

I groaned in frustration as I took a seat on the huge sofa. Lauren has been so annoying lately, all she ever does is hangout with Cameron and then when I finally get the chance to see her; she's either talking about him, texting him, or complaining about missing him.
With that complete turn of events, unfortunately I've had to reside to a new friend, someone who was just as annoyed as I was. That someone being, Nash Grier.
He hated Lauren about as much as I do right now, times about thirty million, and Cameron and him used to be close before she came into the picture. I didn't mind him being around as much as I thought I would, but he still wasn't my first choice in a friend.
After hanging out so long, Nash and I got bored of just talking about how annoyed we were, so we decided to do something about it. Around a month ago him and I came up with the best plan on the planet.
To blackmail Lauren so we can eventually ruin everything the two of them had.

"I could've sworn I locked the door." Nash said in confusion.

"Obviously not, dimwit." I laughed at his stupidity.

"So, did Lauren ever reply to the text or ignore it like the others?" He asked, handing me a drink.

"No reply, so far. Probably not ever getting one. She's too worried." I laughed.

"Did she get it?"

"Oh, of course she got it. Now we just wait for it all to slowly fall apart." I smirked at him.

Poor little Lauren, you don't know what's ahead of you my dear.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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