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L a u r e n : November 26th, 2014

It was Thanksgiving Day and things with Cameron were great. We were stronger than ever and with the holidays coming up I was so excited for what's in store. Katie has been giving me a hard time but the more she sees us together, the more she realizes how happy I am and how much Cameron and I actually do like each other.
Pretty much since the day I met his family, I've been over every day. I spent nights there all the time because being at my own house was a horrible nightmare, and he knew that. Honestly, his mom and Sierra took me in so quickly it was overwhelming. I loved them so much and to think I was actually going to go through with the dare is crazy.
Getting to know Cameron and his story, I've realized that he's just a kid, he's just a kid who got his heart broken and got let down a lot and that affected his outer shell. But I'm glad I'm here to break that shell, and honestly ever since I've been with him he has opened up and made many new friends in addition to his old friends. He finally is showing his real self.
Nash, Jack, and Carter are still being major douches about it but honestly, Cameron couldn't care less. He seriously just brushes it off and ignores them. He always tells me, "I'm graduating in May, I don't have to deal with them for much longer." Luckily that's the case for him, unfortunately for me, I have another year left with those assholes.
Currently I was at Cameron's house, seeing as Mackenzie and I ditched our parents for Thanksgiving, not that they were gonna celebrate anyways. All they were going to do is sit in their offices all night with the doors closed while some cook they hired makes dinner for Mackenzie and I. Gina being the amazing woman she is, let me bring Mackenzie along as well.

"Gina, is there any specific way you want me to make this?" I signaled towards the box of stuffing.

"Yeah, no worries honey. Once Cameron is back downstairs he can help you." She smiled at me as she stirred the mash potatoes.

"What about me?" Cameron asked walking into the kitchen in all his glory. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. I turned around in his grasp and smiled up at him.

"I need help making the stuffing." I giggled.

"Babe, the directions are right on the back." He laughed at how dumb I was when it came to cooking. He knew how bad of a cook I was too, and he always made fun of me for it.

"Yeah, but your mom makes it a special way. Help me, please?" I begged with a fake pouty face.

"Oh, fine. Only cause you're so cute." He smiled and slightly bent down to kiss me. We stood there for a couples minutes, knowing everyone was used to us being like this by now.

"Oh, God. Get a room you lovebirds." Mackenzie teased as she helped Cameron's mom set up the extremely oversized dining table.

"Okay!" Cameron joked back, fake leading us up to his room. Everything seemed as if it was perfect recently. I had Cameron and he was all mine, we spent all of our time together, and I'm even closer to my little sister now. I finally got over the fact that my parents favored her and she finally told them it wasn't fair of them, and they didn't like it at all. But if I had my sister and Cameron by my side, then I didn't need anything else.
A few hours passed by and we eventually finished all the food. Cameron's extended family piled into the house one by one and the nerves were definitely settling in. I've only met his mom and Sierra, yes they loved me, but I was still nervous. What if the rest of his family didn't like me? What if they thought I was a stuck up bitch? I mean, the last person he introduced them to was his ex. Though I didn't know much about her, I knew she was awful.
Cameron told me little things, like the awful things she'd say to him, or the lies she'd tell him that he'd find out about later on. I didn't know something as little as her first name or her appearance, but I really didn't want to. He told me she's in Chino Hills and even though it's nearly impossible, he tries to avoid her at all costs. I always do wonder if I've ever met her, though.

"Alright everyone, food is ready!" Gina called out to everyone that was watching the football game in the living room. Well, it was mostly the guys in Cameron's family; all the woman were in the kitchen chatting it up and the kids were playing games in the other living room.
Soon everyone had piled into the dining room, taking in all of the magnificent food that was laid out. Everyone grabbed a plate and got in their seats, taking turns grabbing the food that was on the table.

"Cameron dear, did you make the stuffing again this year?" His grandma asked him with a smile, "it's just delicious."

"Actually, Grandma, Lauren made most of it. I just helped her a little bit." He said putting his hand on my back, making me smile.

"Well dear, you've already won me over." She smiled at me, "keep her around, Cam."

"I plan on it." He smiled looking over at me with the most adoration I've seen in my life. Not even Connor has looked at me that way, and we dated for years. Shows how much Connor actually had loved me.

"I love you." I mouthed at him, as he did the same back.

Best. Thanksgiving. Ever.

•         •         •

It was a few hours later and by now all his family has made their way home, except for those who were staying overnight from such long drives. Cameron and I decided to go up into his room a while ago out of boredom. Currently we were cuddling on his bed and watching Elf, and I loved every minute of it.

"Hey, Cam?" I asked quietly looking up at him.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" He asked sitting up slightly, resting his head on his elbow.

"Nothing. I mean, well, do you think your family liked me?" I asked him.

"Lauren, of course they liked you. I think my grandma is obsessed with you honestly. If they know that I love you, they will like you no matter what baby." He told me and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks, babe." I smiled to him with my eyes closed. Me being at literal peace right now.

"You know I love you, right Lauren? It may only have been two months of us being together but I absolutely love you. You're like no girl I've ever met. You're beautiful, you're caring, you're all anyone could ever ask for." He smiled. I did feel a pang of guilt knowing that this relationship started on a throne of lies, but part of me felt better knowing that I gave that all up.
I don't know what I'd do if Cameron ever found out about the dare, and I definitely have no idea what I'd do if he ever found the video. The video is just so... Cold. It's so cold hearted and the fact I was going to play it at prom is just evil.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick." He told me as I leaned forward to let him get up. I nodded with a smile and let him go, just as I did, my phone buzzed signaling I had a text. I brought my phone out and unlocked it to see who it was.

from: blocked number
you and cameron seem to be getting awfully cozy, it'd be a shame if he knew what a liar you were.

Well, fuck.

•             •             •
Okay so listen up. I SUCK AT EVERYTHING. I apologize for not updating for like a year but I am getting in to writing again and I've just been trying to work on this and the plot and make it as best as I can for you. And I know I said I wasn't going to finish this book I realized the plot was too good to give up (not to sound egotistical it's just true) and I love the story too much to let it go also!

Uh but yeah if you've stuck with me and this story I cannot thank you enough, it was worth it for you cause now you're gonna be getting at least weekly updates maybe not daily but sure as hell weekly. So if you're in that minority I FUCKING LUV U.

But yeah, here's to me updating Revenge again I guess!

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