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September 25th, 2014

It was now the first day back at school since the party and Cameron and I have been texting and talking ever since. I felt so happy and blissful and I didn't care at all what any of my friends or any of his friends thought, Cameron and I were so happy and we were moving surprisingly quick.

He told me last night that he was going to pick me up at my house this morning and take us by Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, so I spent my extra time in the morning getting dolled up for him in particular. I decided to curl my slight ombre hair.

I put on my mascara making my eyelashes long as usual, and then I put on some foundation and a nice nude lipstick color. I walked back in to my room and then changed into my outfit for school. I wore my slouchy v-neck long sleeved shirt from PINK and a black pair of leggings.

Finishing off the outfit, I put on a pair of light chestnut UGGS and then I put on my backpack calling my look complete. I walked downstairs happily and then into the living room waiting for Cameron I went. I propped my feet up for two seconds before my mom's big mouth opened.

"Lauren Elizabeth! What did I say about your feet being anywhere but the ground!?" She snarled. I took in her appearance. She was wearing a royal blue flowy romper and black heels and it was literally November. What the hell, mom.

"And mother, what did I say about you calling me Lauren Elizabeth? It is just Lauren, not Lauren Elizabeth. I don't have two first names, I have a first name and a middle name." I told her before getting up and walking out of the house.

"Lauren, what about my ride?!" Mackenzie whined.

"Guess you'll just have to get it from mom. Shouldn't be a problem though, seeing you're her favorite." I snapped not meaning to. I shut the door loudly and then looked up to see Cameron about five centimeters from me.

"Holy fucking shit, you scared me." I laughed at him, making him laugh.

"Awe, I'm not that bad looking." He joked with a pouty face.

"Oh, no. You definitely are not at all." I smirked and leaned closer to him, him kissing me softly.

"You ready to go beautiful?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"More ready than you'll ever be." I teased. He shook his head and laughed slightly before walking us to the car he had. He opened the door for me and I smiled getting in and then closing the door. Cameron got in on the other side and then put the key in the ignition before driving off.

I grabbed the aux cord and then plugged it in to my phone. I scrolled through my music library trying to find the perfect song to play, until Cameron suggested something slow for us to listen to cause he 'felt like it'. I went through my love songs and finally chose "Shout About It" by The Vamps.

Instantly Cameron started tapping his fingers and singing along to the lyrics.

"You like this song?" I asked him surprised.

"Of course, how could you not?" He said taking his attention from the road to me.

"Just didn't expect you to." I smiled.

"I think you don't expect a lot from me, but you're going to be surprised Lauren." He smiled grabbing my hand, entangling it with his, and resting them on my lap. I tried to hold in the little smile that I had, but I failed horribly. I played with our fingers as he drove, and we talked about things that made no sense to anyone else, but somehow did to us.

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