Help Arrives

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"She cannot stay here," Odin tells Thor.

"But she needs our help," Thor replies.

"Look at the damage she caused, bringing her battles on our soil," Odin starts to become angry.

"She was attacked! And i don't think she came here by accident father," Thor pleads, "she's slowly gaining her memories."

Odin looks slightly worried at the prospect.

"If you just give us more time i think together can figure out what happened to her."

"We cannot risk the safety of our people. As of this moment she is a threat to Asgard," Odin states, "guards retrieve the girl from her chambers and lock her in a cell."

"WHAT?!" Thor bellows.

The guards move from either side of Odin's throne and exit the room.

Thor looks at his father with anger and confusion in his eyes, "YOUR WRONG ABOUT THIS FATHER!"


Thor turns towards the grand doors of the throne room, taking one handle in each hand he flings the giant doors open with such force they hit the palace walls and ricochet and close behind him.

Thor heads down to the cells where the guards had placed you seconds before he got there.

"My fathers wrong to do this," he says with guilt in his voice.

You look up at him with sympathetic eyes, "hey, don't worry i understand, maybe this is the best place for me right now."

Thor looks at you, "I need to figure out what happened to that infinity stone i will go and ...."

"Well, well well the rumors are true!" Both you and Thor look towards the entrance. Loki strides towards the both of you with a sly grin on his face, "finally the old man had some sense to put you in here."

"Loki," Thor says in a low angry growl.

"What brother? We don't know what she wants or who shes working for. For all we know she could be a scout for the Kree to over throw Odin."

"And how do you explain why they attacked me?" you say looking to the cell opposite that held the aliens that attacked you last night.

"A cleverly disguised plan to get 4 more of you here," he replies.

"That's ridiculous," you say agitated pacing in your cell.

"It is," Thor agrees, "and i WILL get to the bottom of this," Thor glares at Loki.

"I will return soon," Thor looks at you.

You nod and give a weak smile. He strides towards the exit. Loki starts to walk closer to you, as close as he can get with the glass screen between the two of you.

"LOKI! LEAVE HER," Thor shouts towards him, obviously pushed to the limit with his brothers attitude towards you.

Loki gives you a deep stare and a sly smile that honestly makes you uneasy. He turns and follows Thor out of the room leaving you in your empty cell.

Looking around you see other cells filled with different races of aliens some looking like they could rip your throat out and others calm and calculating.

"Was my life always like this?" you ask yourself.

You walk over to the only circle of sunlight on your cell floor and sit in it with your back against the wall. You look up to the circular clear stained glass window hoping that Thor will find a way to help you, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Hoping to hear that comforting and familiar voice that you heard in your dreams the night before.

Hours pass by and the sunlight spot that you were sitting in was gone. Instead it was replaced by a dim white light from the moon. You stand up and pace in your cell wondering where Thor was and if he was getting any closer to knowing what to do next.

"I'm telling you i can sense these things," a distant voice can be heard.

"I hope your right," a voice replies.

Turning around to see where the voices are coming from you walk towards the glass.

"When am i ever wrong?"

"Where are those voices coming from?" you think to yourself, or at least you thought.

"Down hear miss."

Looking down your eyes are greeted with two ravens. You kneel down to get a closer look.
"Did you just....? Can you talk?" you ask confused.

"You were right, she can hear us," you hear one says to the other.

"How is this possible? Can all ravens talk on Asgard?" you ask.

"No dear only King Odin and direct bloodline can communicate with us, you however have a special gift, i can sense these things," one of them says proudly.

"Muninn we don't have time for this!" the one on the right says to the one on the left.

"I'm sorry Huginn but I've never spoken to a Midgardian before," he replies.

The one called Muninn sighs, "we don't have much time."

"There's word of an Infinity Stone on Asgard and a Kree called Ronan is coming to collect it," he continues, "we tired to tell Odin but he couldn't understand us."

"That's when we realized hes not the real Odin," Huginn interjects, "and we cannot find Thor to warn him."

"You need to tell him," Muninn tells you.

"But how can i warn him if I'm stuck in here?" you reply.

Just then you feel a presence standing in the shadows watching you. You look over slightly squinting to make your eyes adjust to the lack of light in the room. Huginn and Muninn look over to the same place.

The figure starts to walk into the room, Loki.

Huginn and Muninn take to the air, "use your powers to find Thor," Muninn tells you before they fly out of the room past Loki who was still walking towards your cell.

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now