Making the Connection

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You waited for the hammer to make contact with you but when it never did you slowly looked up. All around was a bright white light, the hammer was so close to your face you could see all the intricate details of the dark blue metal. That's when you saw it the stone that alluded you since your arrival on Asgard. You reach out with your hand and touch it with your index and middle finger. Power surges through your body but not so much that it was painful, this felt natural like you had experienced this before and that's when it showed you what you had longed for.
You saw yourself as a child, as a teen and as an adult. Images of faces and sounds of friends filled your mind Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Tony, Corax and then your eyes filled with happy tears. You saw him, the voice from your dreams, the man you loved and desperately wanted to see again "Bucky" you exhale. The stone went on to show you how it had come into your possession, the battle, your sacrifice and you landing on Asgard.

All of this only took a matter of seconds and after the stone had stopped showing you all you needed to know it dissipated the dazzling white light and blasted Ronan through the farthest wall, burying him in rubble.

You take a deep breath and stand looking over to Thor who was now by your side.

You smile at him "I remember. I'm an Avenger"

"Oh yeah? If you truly are an Avenger then you should know my secret code name" he boasts proudly.

"I think i heard Tony call you 'Point Break'? you reply with a slight giggle.

"YES" he starts triumphantly until he realizes what you said "Wait...? what...? No! I'm the strongest Avenger!"

You laugh "I have no doubt that you are" you tell him, patting his back.

"So you remember everything?" he asks you.

"Everything" you reply.

Just then you hear footsteps across the room "And where do you think your going?" you say nonchalantly.

Loki stops in his tracks "I was hoping to slip away quietly"

You and Thor start to walk towards him "You pretended to be Odin, you took my uniform, you lied to me and your brother, you took the infinity stone that held my memories and tried to give it to an alien army." You finish standing inches from his face. "What do you have to say in your defense?"

He shrugs "All just a big misunderstanding?"

You punch him square in the face.

Thor laughs as he walks over hammer in hand towards the hole were Ronan was blasted.
"Let us retrieve the stone"
As he stands on top of the rubble looking into the hole in the wall he turns back to you.
"(y/n), he's gone"

"What!?" You run over to stand next to Thor looking into the now empty hole.
Instantly you stride back over to Loki
"Where's he going?" you demand.

"How should I know?" he responds as if its no big deal.
"All he wanted were the stones, he didn't tell me his plans or what he was going to do with them"
You could tell Loki new something but was reluctant to tell you.

"I doubt that" Thor interjects.

"Stones? Plural?" you ask Loki.

"She doesnt know about the other on Earth?" you hear Loki's thoughts.

"Hes going to Earth" you direct at Thor. "There's another stone he wants, we need to move and quick"

Loki looks at you angry and confused.

"Oh sorry did you not know i can read minds?" you say smugly.
"Its not just animals i can talk to" you push into his mind.

"So" you stand in front of Thor "How do we get off this planet?"

Thor looked at the ground then at you. "The sword that once opened the bifrost that transported us between worlds is broken from a previous battle" Thor begins. He looks at you with sorrowful eyes and places a gentle had on your arm.
"I'm sorry (y/n) but until we make contact with the dwarves on Nidavellir we can't leave."

Your recently happy face looks in disbelief between Thor and Loki.
"But the Avengers, our friends, they wont last 2 seconds if Ronan uses that stone" you plead.

"I'm sorry there's nothing we can do. We will have to hope they can win this battle without us, after all they are Earths mightiest heroes" he finishes trying to lighten the mood.

"Or" Loki starts "I can show you the way off this poor excuse of a planet"

You and Thor look at Loki with suspicion.

"You know a way off Asgard?" Thor asks.

"I might do"

"Hes lying" you say.

"How do you think i informed Ronan of the stone?" you pathetic human" he snaps at you.

Holding your breath you stride over one dagger in hand out stretched pointing it to Loki's neck.

Thor looks at his brother making no attempt to lower your dagger, "Whats the catch?"

"I want immunity for my actions up until this point"

You laugh

Thor thinks about it for a moment,

"Please tell me your not considering this?" you ask him.

"We have no other choice, and we need to leave now"

Loki breathes a sigh of relief as you lower your dagger in realization.

"Shit" you exhale.

Thor walks up to his brother his face inches from his and in a low growl he says
"You will be at my side at all times, you will not leave my sight once we are on Earth. If you wonder off or display ANY hostility towards me, (y/n) or any of the Avengers i will not hesitate to bring you back here and lock you in a cell for a 1000 centuries. Or better yet i will let the Hulk have you as a play toy"

You smile at the shock on Loki's face.

"Then i suppose i have no choice, please follow me" he heads out the door.

As you both follow him out the door you pull your other dagger out the wall with force and place it back in its holster.

"Don't worry guys I'm on my way"

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now