Avengers Assemble

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All 3 of you head to the surface where you see the destruction that the Kree army had brought upon the Asgardian people. Thor walks up to a woman who was helping the masses.

"Lady Sif i am leaving for Earth in pursuit of Ronan. I need you in charge while im gone" he tells her.
She nods her head while she helps the injured.

Thor turns back to the both of you "Come on"

All of you run across the rainbow bridge towards the gate of Asgard, the place where you had once entered. Just off to the right of the dome shaped building was a boat, floating in the air. Loki and Thor jump straight on.

"Its quite safe" Thor directs to you holding out his hand for you to take. Taking his hand he helps you on to the boat.

Thor pulls up the anchor that seemed to be stopping the boat from flying away. Loki preps the sails and the boat takes off into the air, a lot faster than you were expecting.

"Come then brother how do we leave Asgard?" Thor asks curious.

"You'll see" he tell him ambiguously.

You notice a mountain range coming into view and Loki was headed straight for it.

"You better be sure about this or we are going to hit the ground a lot faster than you'd like" you say anxiously.

"Watch this" Loki says showing off.

He flies straight into a cave, lightly scraping the side of the boat as he navigates his way through. And then sure enough the multicoloured crystal portal formed around the boat. Moments later you take to the skies and fly through clouds as not to be detected.

You start to pull the hood of your suit onto your head. You look at Thor,
"When we get there you can't let on that its me. If they found out I was alive i would be a distraction, especially to Bucky, it could put the team at risk"

"Who's Bucky?" Thor asks

"Oh right, yeah, you won't have met him." you realize. "Hes Steve's best friend from his childhood, who was also frozen and made into a super soldier and the love of my life" you reminisce for a moment.

"That's why we need to keep my identity a secret until we have the stone and Ronan is subdued. I will communicate to you through your mind making it impossible for Ronan to know your fight tactics?"

"Sounds like a good plan but how do i talk back?" Thor asks

"Just say it in your mind and i will hear it" you smile.

You pull the face cowl up over your nose. Only your eyes were visible, you hoped this would be enough for no one to recognize you.

"If you two are quite done, were here" Loki interrupts.
Loki lowers the boat in a tight alley way away from the battle.

You could hear gun shots, fighting grunts and shouting from where you landed. Stepping off the boat you turn around to Thor and Loki,
"If you need a place to put Loki the quinjet should be close by. I assume Bruce will be on it incase things do go quite to plan and im sure he'd be happy to look after him until we are done" you smile knowing full well Loki would hate your plan.

"Now wait a minute...." he begins to say as Thor grabs his arm and flies into the air with him.
"I will meet you on the battle field" he shouts to you.

Looking forward to the exit of the alley way you take a deep breath in. It was going to take all of your will power not to run directly into Buckys arms.
As your looking you see Kree enemies running past the entrance, you knew Ronan wouldnt be far behind. Your legs burst into a run your cape flowing behind you, as you exited the alley you garb your daggers and take out a couple Kree that were close by.

Glancing to your left you see your friends. Cap was the closest to you, Tony was in the sky shooting from above Bucky and Nat were the furthest back, Nat was physically fighting the Kree while Bucky was utilising his assassin skills by shooting them.
You couldn't help but smile when you see them all. However from the quick glance you got of Bucky you could tell your "death" had taken a tole on him. His hair was slightly longer, his stubily beard was nearly fully grown and his eyes were deep set and tired.

"Oh baby" you whisper to yourself. 

That's when you see Thor fly-jump from the quinjet towards you landing at your side.

"Good to see you Thor, who's the big guy?" Tony calls from the skies as he shoots at the horde.

"Someone who has overstayed his welcome" Thor replies as you turn to your right and see Ronan approaching. You stand strong, as the Kree army run past you towards the others.

Ronan stops, standing a few feet infront of you.

"You again?" he says with anger.

You stand waiting for his first move.

"Thor, you ready?"

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now