Friends to Family

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The tears that had pooled in your eyes fell down your cheeks.


You had never seen Bucky so happy and releaved. He takes the ring out of the box and places it on your finger. It was silver with a heart shaped ruby inset into the band.

"It's beautiful" you whisper. "I love it"

You lean in giving him a soft kiss.
Just then your stomach rumbles ruining the moment.

Bucky chuckles "Lets eat, i hope you don't mind but i already ordered your food" he says walking over to a food storage cabinet near by.

You face lights up "You didnt"

He turns around with a large pizza box and a packet of fries, you spot the words 'Little Italy" on the packaging.

"Oh my god you did!" you beam, smelling that fresh cooked dough.

He slides it on to the table and you open the lid.

"(1 topping) and (2nd topping) just how you like it"

You had no time to stop you grabbed a slice and shoved it in your face. Your eyes close in pure bliss.

"This is sooooooo good" you tell him as he grabs a piece.

"I'm glad you like it" he says.

After your done eating you throw your napkin down.

"I hate to cut our date short but can we head upstairs? I want to show off my new ring and Fiancee" you say excited, unable to believe Bucky asked you to marry him.

"Sure thing Doll" he replied.

You both head on up to the lounge, opening the door your greeted with a huge congratulations banner and a few party poppers going off into the air.

"Lets see it then" Natasha walks up to you as you hold out your hand, while Bruce hands you a glass of champagne.

Steve gives Bucky a 'well done, best friend' hug.

"Well this would of been awkward if i had of said no" you laugh.

Tony walks to the front of the group, "Would be alot cheaper too,"

He holds out a Black American Express card.

"Consider this my wedding gift, to you and James, no spending limit, buy whatever you need, go wild" he smiles taking a sip of champagne.

You nearly choke on your drink.

"What? too much? I went to big didnt i? I knew I should of bought you that toaster" he says sarcastically.

"I don't know what to say Tony" you say shocked.

"Oh I didn't do it for gratification, but you know you could say thankyou or name your first born after me that would be cool"

"I'm not suprised at the gift, im suprised you called Bucky by his name" you laugh. "The whole time ive known you ive never heard you call him anything other than a quipy nickname." You say calling him out.

Tony throws up his arms and rolls his eyes dramatically heading in the direction of the sofas.

"You try to be nice to some people" he mutters on the way acting upset.

You shout after him "In all seriousness Tony, ...Thank You"

He looks over to you as he sits on the plush sofa and gives you a soft smile and wink as he takes a sip from his glass.

A few hours pass, the drinks were flowing and the conversation was good. The music that was playing in the background was one of Tonys rock playlists, which you liked.

Bucky gets up from the sofa next to you, giving you a kiss on the forehead he heads over to the bar to talk to Steve, who seemed to be on his phone texting most of the night.
Bruce and Nat were in deep conversation across the room. Tony bounces down of the sofa next to you, clearly tipsy as we're you.

"So, Infinity stone huh" he comments.


"Is it stuck in there?" he asks breifly looking at your collarbone.

"Sure is" you tap it making it shine.

"So can you read minds 24/7 now?"
He looks slightly worried.

"Nah. Don't worry Tony i wouldn't use any of my powers on you guys, unless absolutely necessary" you asure him.

"Good" he smiles "You wouldn't last 30 seconds in my head" you both chuckle and take a sip from your drinks.

"If you don't mind id like to take a look at it in my workshop at some point?" he asks "Just to see what we are dealing with?"

"You think it could be dangerous?" you ask.

"That's the thing we don't know, i just want to figure out where it came from, what's it made of, it could make you the strongest one here" he says looking around.

You smile into your glass as you take a sip "Thors going to be pissed" you giggle to yourself.

"I just gotta ask" Tony begins. "What was that suit you were wearing when you landed with Thor?"

"Tradional Valkyrie armour" you tell him.

"What happened to the one i gave you?"

"I suppose its best if i show you all what happened"

"Hey everyone get your asses over here (y/n) has somthing to show us." Tony shouts.

Everyone makes their way over "Would it kill you to ask nicely?" Nat says more as a statement than a question.

"If I have your consent id like to show you what happened after i left earth"

They all nod in agreement as you close your eyes and project your memories to their minds, apart from Bucky you didn't want to put him through that agian.

Moments later you open your eyes. You knew Nat had picked up on something that no one else had.

"There's another stone on Earth?"

The team look at her then you, "If what Loki said is true, then yeah"

"We've got to find it" Steve says.

"Hold your horses Stevie" you furrow your brow, acting angry.

"Haha Stevie" Tony giggles into his glass beside of you.

"It's the middle of the night and I'm in no shape to kick ass right now. Cant we just leave it for tonight? I'd like to spend time with you guys before we go all "full force avengers" again." you say making air quotations with your fingers.

He looks at the rest of the team "Fine" he sighs.
"I wouldn't like to carry the team again like last time" he says referring to the battle you all just had with Ronan.

His comment causes up roar with everyone talking at the same time.
"Haha yeah right Rogers just because your the team leader doesnt mean your the best, that's obviously me" Tony jokes.
"Carried us?" Nat says
"That's unfair cap you know I'm a last resort" Bruce huffs.
"You'd be alot worse off if i wasnt watching your back bud" Bucky tells his best friend.
"Didn't i save you from being squished by the hammer?" you remind him.

"Alright, alright guys, geez it was just a joke" he says holding up his hands then taking a sip of his beer.

As the night carried on you all ended up sitting together on the large sofa infront of the huge tv watching a film. You were sat inbetween Tony and Bucky, who had his arm draped over your shoulders as you rested your head on his chest. As you drifted off to sleep you felt safe surrounded by your friends.

+Think I'm going to end this part of the story here. Dont worry i am continuing this story but starting it off as a "new book" making it a trilogy.+

Thanks to everyone for the support and comments along the way :)

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now