Home Sweet Home

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The Avengers stand mesmerized at the trail of light you had left behind.

"Dont worry Buck, I'm sure she'll be okay" Steve says placing a hand on his best friends shoulder.

Just then a glow of light appears as you land infront of Bucky and Steve, stepping out its glow you walk up to the both of them.

"Promised id come back" you smile at Bucky.

"Now the teams all back together and the threat on earth has been stopped single handed by 'snow' we can head back to the facility for a party?" Iron man says striding through the group.

"Is partying all you think about Tony?" Natasha asks him.

The group head towards the quinjet, you and Bucky follow behind everyone else.

"I know someone who will be pleased to see you" Bucky smiles.

Once you reach the quinjet you see your best friend Corax still perched on the top.

"Hey Corax, did you miss me?" you say into his thoughts.

Instantly he looks in your direction and swoops down to your shoulder.

"(y/n), oh i am so pleased to see you! Are you alright dear? What happened to you?" he asks hurriedly.

"I'm okay now" you reply stroking his wings.

Next you see Bruce walking up to you from the front of the jet. You welcome him with a hug.

"Nice to see you again (y/n)" he says with sincerity.

"Good to see you too Bruce"

"Now that everyones reacquainted lets get this ship off the ground and head home" Tony says flicking switches and buttons at the control panel.

"SHIP!" You shout out loud.

You hear Steve sigh "Lan....guage?" he hesitates realising what you had said.

"Thor and I arrived here on a ship. I better go to it and transport it to the facility. We can meet you there."

"Lets see who gets home first" Tony says, turning it into a race.

With Corax still on your shoulder you jump off the back of the quinjet with Bucky behind you. The propellers start up as Tony takes to the sky with speed. You knew you would beat them home as you casually walked to the Asgardian ship.

"Well you don't see one of those everyday" Bucky says looking at the ship wedged in the alley way.

"Come on lets get back before Tony" you say as you hold Buckys hand.

Placing your other on the ship you close your eyes thinking of home. A split second later you open them and see the Avengers facility infront of you. You had landed on the grounds just outside.

"Well im guessing the ship can stay here." you giggle.

"It looks like we beat them back" Bucky says looking over at the helipad.

"Tonys going to be so pissed he didn't win" you smile.

Bucky moves in close and looks deep into your eyes again

"It's so good to have you home (y/n)"

Corax flies up to the highest mast of the ship to give you and Bucky some privacy, looking out for the rest of the group.

"I didn't think i was ever going to see you again" he admits.

The sadness in his voice made your heart melt.

"Well im home now" you smile as you move your body closer to his.

Standing on your tip toes you place one hand behind his head and pull him into a deep kiss. Both your tounges entwine as your breathing picks up, your hands wander over his biceps. Bucky playfully bites ypur bottom lip. Just then you hear the jets of Tonys ship and you pull away from Buckys embrace.

"We can pick this up again later" you say softly.

"Yes we will" he says with his lips turning into a devilish smirk.

You both head over to the quinjet that Tony had landed on the helipad to welcome the rest of the group.

"Do you have no regard for lawn maintenance?" Tony says looking at Thors huge ship.

"Awww your just salty because we beat you back" you say playfully hitting his arm as you make your way to the front door of the facility.

Steve and Natasha laugh knowing full well you were right.

"Well done today team" Steve congratulates.
"Lets take rest and meet in the lounge later, say 7pm? Then you can fill us in on your adventures" he tells you.

"Sure" you reply.

"Lets dress sharp for this party tonight guys, non of this hooligans in hoodies and sweats business" Tony says as the group disperses to their quaters.

You enter your room with Bucky behind you. Looking at the surrounding everything was a mess, there were clothes on the floor, food plates stacked up on the coffee table and a bottle of pills.

Picking up the bottle you read the label "Diphenhydramine". You turn around to look at Bucky who is rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I er.....couldnt sleep. Tony developed a strong dose sleeping tablet but its ineffective due to my serum" he tells you.

Looking over to the bed it was freshly made. It was clear he hadnt slept in it since you left.

"Oh baby. I'm so sorry i put you through this" you tell him placing the bottle back on the table. 

"Hey, if you hadn't of taken the stone on that battlefield things would be alot different right now. You took the ultimate sacrifice to save us, to save the planet" he praises you.

Not wanting to dwell on it any longer you look up at Bucky, placing your hand on his fully grown beard.

"What? you dont like it?" he asks

You contemplate it for a moment running your fingers across his face.

"Hmmmm i could get use to it" you smile.
"I need to get out of this outfit and into a nice hot shower"

You make your way over to the bathroom unzipping your new suit as you go.

"Want to join me?"

Without saying a word Bucky strides over to the bathroom taking his combat gear off dropping it to the floor as he does. You switch on the shower and walk in welcoming the soothing warm water on your skin.
Bucky takes a moment to look at you before joining you. Pressing his wet body up against yours he looks down at your chest. Looking at the mind stone he runs his hand over it.

"Here. You should be the first to see" you whisper as you place your hand on top of his with the stone underneath the both of them.

You open your memories to him, letting him see, hear and feel the emotions of what had happened to you. He sees everything from you landing half concious on Asgard to you battling Ronan on the streets of New York.

"Next time i see Thor i will have to thank him for protecting my girl. Loki on the other hand...." Bucky stops.

"Did you see the same memories? because the way I saw it i protected Thor" you joke trying to lighten the mood.

You feel Buckys hands wondering down to your hips, lightly squeezing your soft skin. You look up at him, your hands wondering over his muscular arms to his chest. Both of your breathing becomes shallow and fast as Bucky leans in kissing your neck.

"I love you James"

You could feel his mouth smile against your neck.

"I love you too (y/n)"

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now