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You run towards Ronan who swipes his hammer from right to left hoping to hit you. Seeing his attack you somersault backwards out of the way. A Kree grabs you from behind but it wasn't hard to wriggle free from his grasp and knock him unconcious with one swift kick.
Meanwhile the others were still being swarmed, it seemed as though Ronans forces were endless. Thor tired to pull the huge hammer from Ronans grasp but even the powerful demi god struggled. Running back in closer while he was distracted you punch the lower half of his stomach, just as you reach for your dagger Ronan grabs you and propels you across the street. Your body slams into a parked car before hitting the floor.

You let out a small groan. Even with super soldier serum that one hurt.
Getting up off the floor quickly you run into a sprint again. Taking a few Kree out as you make your way to Thor who was now doing the same.

"If I can get the stone i can command him to stop"

"You could do that?"

"Yeah just need it in my posession to amplify my powers" you say to him.

Your both having this conversation while fighting Kree.

"I have an idea" you look over to where Steve was fighting, Ronan was closing in on him.

"I will make my way over to Cap, and i need you be a distraction for Ronan?"

Without hesitation he flies up into the air. You punch the last Kree near you and sprint towards Cap and Ronan.
Ronan began to swing his hammer onto Cap, who was unaware as he fought 3 Kree at once. Your focus now was Steve, sprinting just that little bit faster you gain enough momentum to tackle him out of the way, leaving the 3 Kree to take the brunt of the hammer.

You land with your body on top of his. You spring yourself off him within a nano second but it was too late. He had seen your eyes, and now you stood in front if him he could see your stature, he put 2 and 2 together and came up with the right result. Before he could speak you talk to him quickly as Ronan was gearing up for his next attack.

"Dont give me away to the team"

He stands looking at you in disbelief.

You look for Thor "Pull Ronans hammer at its height, get Tony to help"

Ronan swings his hammer up into the air to strike you and Cap. Thor grabs hold of the hammer with one hand, needing his other to hold his own.

"Stark get over here!" he shouts to Tony. Who instantly flies over to help.

"What? your hammers not big enough so you want his?" Tony says sarcastically.

Ronan looks up at the two Avengers trying to take his prized posession.

This was your chance, you look at Steve "I need a boost"

"Is it really you?" he asks still unsure if the eyes he was looking at were owned by his lost friend.

"Steve theres no time, boost, now!"

He kneels to the floor with his shield facing up. Taking a few steps back you take a small run, both feet jump on to the shield. Steve pushes his shield into the air propelling you upwards. Taking out your daggers you land with your knees on the middle of his back and your daggers securely driven into each of his should blades.

This catches him off guard and he cries out in pain, his grip loosens on his hammer giving Thor and Tony the leverage to free it from his hands.

Once the hammer leaves his grip he reaches behind his head grabbing you and throwing you as hard and as far as he could.

Bucky shouts to Cap, through their communicators.

"On your left!"

Steve finishes fighting the Kree next to him and sees you being flung into the air. He runs after you, catching you to break your fall, sending you both to the ground.

"You only did that as payback from me tackling you to the ground before" you joke to him.

Ronan grabs the daggers from his back and throws them at you. Cap holds up his shield deflecting them from you.

Tony lands on your left next to Cap, Thor lands on your right next to you.

Thor holds out Ronans hammer at an angle so you could reach the stone.

Looking straight at Ronan you say
"Times up" with a smile as you place your hand on the stone.

You trace your fingers over its crystal edges and whisper "Stay with me?"
After a moment it shines dazzling yellow light and removes itself from the hammer. You stare at it as it moves towards your chest. Just as it touches your armour it fades through and into your skin creating one final burst of light before finding its home within in you.

You scan the terrain.

You see Nat and Bucky trying to make their way over to the group.

"We need to get closer incase they're in trouble" you hear her say to Bucky.

Corax was still perched on the quinjet way in the back where you first saw Bucky.

Then your eyes shone yellow as you commanded the Kree army to stop fighting them and retreat.

"Dont move" you command Ronan.

Commanding aliens was a breeze with the stone, you barely had to concentrate on telling them what to do. As soon as you'd give and order thats what they would do until told otherwise.

"No way" You hear Tony say from your back left.

You turn towards him but he was already striding out of his suit and within seconds you were locked into a squishy Tony hug.

"Omg Snow! Your back" he says as you hug him back.

"Tony...i can't breath" you jokingly struggle in his grasp.

Tony lets you go but as soon as he does Steve grabs you into a big hug.

"Glad to have you back kiddo"

Nat was the first to reach the group.

"What's this? We're hugging the help now?" she laughs not realising it was you.

When you turn to look at her you pull down your face cowl and smile.
"You could atleast recognise me" you say to her thoughts.

She runs into your arms giving you the biggest hug yet.
As shes nearly squeezing the life out of you shes blocking Buckys view of you, until he finally reaches the group.

"What's all the commotion? Did we win?" he asks Looking around at the carnage.

Loosening your grip from Nat, she lets go and you pull your hood down.

Nat moves out of the way for you to get a full view of Bucky. The biggest smile lights up your face as your heart begins to race, butterflies erupt in your stomach as you let out a simple "Hi"

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now