The Key

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You follow Thor running through corridors until you both enter the armory. You stop in amazement, "Wow" escapes your lips.

Watching Thor open a large wooden door he steps inside. Moments later hes comes back out with a suit in hand.

"Here i think this should fit." He hands you a blue and silver suit, equipped with a blue cape very much like his red one. It also had a hood and face cowl which seemed strange yet oddly handy and practical.

"This was an outfit that Asgardian Valkyries once wore to battle" Thor tells you.

You hold it up "It looks like it should fit" you reply.

Heading behind Thor you step into the walk in closet and slip into the new outfit that Thor had given you. Sure enough it fit amazingly, it felt like a second skin, very light yet it looked like it would protect your body from almost anything.

You walk out of the closet and see Thor eyeing up some weaponry he turns around to look at you.
"You look like you could be an authentic Valkyrie" he smiles there was something genuine about his comment and smile, that intern made you smile.

"Here" he says handing you two daggers. They were the same colours as your new suit, dazzling sliver with a handle of intricate blue design.

Suddenly the room shakes and more loud booms are heard from the ground above, you both look up.

"We must hurry" Thor tells you.

You both head up to the throne room. When you burst through the doors you see Loki talking to who you assumed was Ronan. They both turn their heads towards the two of you.

"Are you still not dead?" Loki directs to you.

You give him a smirk and shrug.

"Loki stop" Thor growls

"Thor, son of Odin" Ronan finally speaks. "I imagined you taller" He laughs.

Thor was tall, the top of your head just barely made it up to his chest even with wedged boots on. Ronan on the other hand was atleast a foot taller than Thor making you feel like a mouse in comparison, and slightly intimidated. Then he looks at you.

"I thought all the Valkyries perished in the great war" he asks you.

"Im not a Valkyrie, im from Earth" you reply.

"HAHAHAHA" Ronan burst out laughing. "A Midgardian dressed as a Valkyrie. Tell me Thor is she your personal pet?" he asks still amused by your appearance.

"She is of no concern of yours. Now hand over the stone" Thor commands him.

As if something had triggered in Loki's head he retrieves a golden apple from his robe and holds it out towards Ronan. All the while smirking at his brother.

You take a moment to look at the golden apple, its dim glow, you could feel its power calling you. As if it wanted you to retrieve it, to touch it. You snap out of its trance long enough to transport your thoughts to Thor.

"I need that stone" you tell him. "I think im connected to it in some way"

Thor talks back into your thoughts "Leave Ronan to me, do you think you can take on Loki?"

"Id be glad to" you smile.

You both run towards your assigned targets your legs propelling you faster than you thought they would. This surprises Loki as you try to punch and kick him, pushing him against the nearest wall, as you do the golden apple falls from his grip and rolls near Thor and Ronan. As you watch it roll away Loki takes this opportunity to flip your stance and he spins you around, placing his left arm around your body and holding his dagger to your throat with his right.

"Lets see how this plays out" he says in your ear.

You and Loki watch Thor fight Ronan, both equally as powerful as the other. As they fought loud booming noises would sound when they made contact with each other, walls were crumbling under each of their hammer swings, You had never see anything like it.

You struggled under Loki's grasp to try and escape to help Thor or at least grab the stone that was still laying on the open floor. The dagger under your throat cuts your skin and you wince in pain. This distracts Thor who looks over at you being held by Loki.

"LOOK OUT!" you shout at Thor.

Ronan had swung his hammer up and over his head with both hands and was about to strike Thor with a fatal blow. Thor looks around and tries to jump out of the way, but the blast knocks him to the ground several feet away. That's when you realize Ronan had struck the golden apple with the side of his hammer.

"NO!" you shout out.

You watch as power surges through Ronan. "Now you'll never know who you are" Loki whispers into your ear.

Rage takes over your body as you struggle with Loki finally escaping his grasp and running towards Ronan without a seconds thought. You grab one of your daggers throwing one into the wall next to him you jump on the handle with one foot giving you enough height to punch Ronan in the face. He held his jaw with one hand looks at you and smiles. You rush him and go in for another punch but this time hes ready and sees your attack coming. He throws out him arm and deflects you knocking you flying to the floor. You tried over and over again becoming more exhausted before the final deflection causes you to hit your head on Odins throne making you dizzy and unable to stand. Looking down at the ground a "Im sorry" escapes your lips. You didn't quite know why you were saying it or who you were saying it to "I tried" was the last thing you said before closing your eyes.

"You really want this stone? Then here, let me give it to you!" Ronan shouts before swinging the hammer towards your body.

Thor wakes in time to see whats happening and rushes towards you to try and move you out of the path of the on coming attack, that's when it happened.

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now