More Than Meets The Eye

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"I'm sorry i didn't mean to interrupt" Loki says smoothly.

"Interrupt what?" you reply coyly.

"You were just conversing with Huginn and Muninn were you not?" he says analyzing you.

"Who?" you ask hoping to piss him off a little bit more.

"Don't play dumb with me (y/n)" he snaps hitting the glass between you both, making you jump.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" you ask with a furrowed brow.

Loki looks angry at himself and then at you.

"I know more about you than you know yourself" he grins hoping to get a reaction out of you.

"You know......don't know my past!" you speak without thinking.

Loki smiles at your desperation, "I may know a few things" he says smugly.

"I will tell you what you want to know if you tell me what you were just talking about with Odins pigeons"

You look at him considering your options, would he really tell you? But what would it matter he wouldn't let you out of the cell.

"No you wont" you say bluntly.

"Ahhhh see you are a smart one" he laughs.
"Well if you wont tell me then I'm going to have to dispose of you. Well not me personally but I'm sure these guys over here would be delighted to do that job for me" he cocks his head towards the cell with the 4 Kree that tried to kill you.

You needed to get out of the cell, and fast.
Watching him slowly walk away he stops at the cell that they 4 Kree were in.

"Shes all yours" he tells them.

As he walks up the the two guards, he materializes a dagger out of thin air.

"HEY LOOKOUT!" you scream at the guards.

They turn to look at you but its too late. Loki throws one of the daggers to the guard on the right. Straight through his armor to his heart, he instantly falls to the floor. He grabs the guard on the left by the throat and hold him up against the wall until he passes out.

Your heart rate rises and you begin to panic.
Your eyes are fixed on Loki as you watch him open all the cells and throw the guards swords to 2 of the Kree as they emerged.
He quickly walks out of the room avoiding the stampede of creatures running for freedom.


You remember that Huginn and Muninn wanted you to use your powers to find Thor.
So you concentrate eyes closed focusing on an image of Thor.
"Where are you? I need help" you say into your thoughts.

Opening your eyes you see the 4 Kree were advancing to your cell through the crowd. You look around for any sort of weapon, but there was nothing.

"What do i do?" you ask yourself in panic.

*Come on Thor where are you!?* You think to yourself.

"Your ours now" one of the Kree snarls at the open door to your cell.

"No please, you've got the wrong person" you plead.

"Oh i don't think so princess"
"Loki tells us your the one who brought the infinity stone here."

"Me? No you have me mistaken" you say nervously backing away from them.

"ENOUGH OF THIS! Kill her" one of them shouts.

"NOOO!" You coil back in fear, closing your eyes waiting for the blade to pierce your chest.


You open your eyes in time to see all 4 Kree unconscious on the ground as Thors hammer returns to his hand.

"Are you alright?" he asks as he strides towards you.

Letting out a heavy breath you reply,
"Yes, thankyou...but how did you know i was in danger?"

"I heard you, in my thoughts." he answers slightly confused.

"You did?" you say surprised  "It worked" you whisper.

Thor didn't hear you, "How did this happen?" he says looking around the room at the empty cells.

"It was Loki"

The anger grows on Thors face, "Then i must stop him before this goes any further"

"WAIT" you shout after him.

"The infinity stone,....the Kree told me i brought it here.
"I think Loki has it, and Ronans on his way to collect it" you tell him.

"How do you know all this?" he asks.

"Huginn and Muninn told me to tell you, because talking to animals is something i can do, apparently." you say rubbing your arm.

"Why wouldnt they of just told father? Why come to you?" Thor asks.

"They said hes not the real king" you admit.

"AGGGHHHHGHH" Thor shouts before throwing his hammer at one of the Kree as he was getting up from his unconcious state.

"This is one of Lokis schemes" he says through gritted teeth.
"We cannot let him hand the stone over to Ronan. It would have disastrous consequences for the universe. I must stop them." he says thinking of a plan.

He looks at you for a moment.

"You brought the stone here... you must have a powerful connection with it." he tells you.

"I think i do"

Just then you hear a loud booming sound and the floor begins to shake.

"We need to find Loki, now. Will you join me?" he says with urgency.

You don't have to think twice when Thors asks you. If you did bring the stone here then you needed to know how and why, and Loki might have the answers.

"I'm going to need better clothing than this robe, and a weapon would be nice" you tell him.

"The armory is near by, follow me"

Running with Gods (continuation to They Found Me)Where stories live. Discover now