Chapter 13

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Emma's POV

The last weeks have been amazing. Being back together with Ashton is the best thing that could have happened to me.

We're currently at dinner with the band and their manager at his house. "Guys, I have some really great news," he says eagerly. The boys, Holly and I look at him. "The One Direction lads want you as an opening act for their stadium tour!" he tells us. The boys cheer seeming really happy about touring the world again. I'm not gonna lie I'm happy for them too but I'm also afraid. Afraid of what's going to happen to mine and Ashton's relationship.

Their manager begins to talk about the details. Starting in South America, continuing in Europa and then after a short break North America. A total of seven months. Seven months not seeing Ashton, not being capable to spend time with him and not being able to love him. I've been through this situation before and it didn't end well. Ashton broke up and I'm not sure if he would do it again.

The boys are obviously looking forward to it. Even Holly seems happy. Tears begin to form in my eyes and I run to the bathroom. I hear them calling my name but I don't care and lock the door behind me. Tears are streaming down my face as I sit down on the cold floor.

Ashton's POV

I'm really happy that we're touring again in a few weeks. The last tour with One Direction was incredible and I can't wait for this time. Making our fans lucky and exploring the world is the best thing. Besides Emma. I can't leave her alone for this long. Not after what happend.

Emma runs to the bathroom. "Emma!" I shout but she ignores it. I know exactly what's wrong with her. The other boys look at me worried. I stand up and go to the bathroom.

Emma's POV

There's a knock on the door and I wipe my tears away. I really don't want to talk to someone now. "Em, baby, please open the door," I hear Ashton saying. "Come on. Let's talk about it," he adds. I get up and unlock the door. Ashton comes in and sits down next to me. "What's wrong?" he asks. "I don't want you to leave," I sniffle. He wraps his arms around me and says, "I don't want to leave either but I have to." I know he can't stay here but it just hurts me so much. "I don't want that you break up with me again." - "Em, what are you talking about? I would never do that. Especially not after we've been through. I love you, Emma. Nothing can change that," he tells me.

"Come with me," Ashton says after a while and I look up at him. "Come on tour with us. We're aloud to bring one person," he adds. "I can't," I respond. Ashton looks down, "Right, you have to go to uni."

When my tears are tried we go back to the others. They seem to know what was wrong with me. "Let's talk about something else," Luke says and I smile at him. He knows that talking about the tour would make me even more sad.

After a while we all say goodbye and Ashton and I are driving to my apartment. The car ride is silent and I'm still thinking about the next seven months.

"We can do this," Ashton tells me while we're cuddling on my bed. I slightly nod and he kisses my forehead. "I love you, Ash," I say quietly. "I love you too. Always have and always will," he replies.

Ashton's POV

"You can still change your mind and come on tour with me," I tell Emma and she nods. I'm sure she wants to come but she has to go to uni and her parents wouldn't be happy if she drops out. "Promise me you won't break up again?" she asks. "Promise. I will call you every single day and when you have vacation you can visit me," I smile at her and she kisses me.

"Do you stay here tonight?" Emma asks me. "If you want to," I grin. "Of course I do, baby," she says. "Can I take a shower here?" I ask. "If I can join you," Emma giggles. We go into her bathroom and I take my clothes off. I catch her staring at my body, "Take a picture. It lasts longer." She laughs and blushes. "Come on. Should I take your clothes off or can you do it alone?" - "I'm a big girl," she replies sticking her tongue out and begins to undress. She's perfect. I'm definitely not breaking up with her ever again.

After showering or should I say making out we decide to watch a movie. Magic Mike. Emma loves this movie and I can't say no to her pouty face. The movie also distracts her from what happend at dinner so I'm okay with it. Her head is on my shoulder and our hands are intertwined as the movie starts.

I glance at Emma a few times during the movie. There is just something unique and perfect about her even without make up. Her somewhat luminous face has a tanned tone to it. Her eyes are a piercingly sharp shade of blue. Her wavy hair dangles in front of her enchanting face. Her rosy lips are so soft and kissable. She is truly an unearthly beauty.

In this moment I realize how happy I am to have Emma as a girlfriend. I never loved someone as much I love her. It sounds a bit cliché but I think she's the one. And it hurts me that I have to leave her. Seven months without her won't be easy.

"I can't understand how you can like this movie," I say as the movie finishs. Emma laughs and her dimples show. I poke one of them. "You're cute," I grin. "Not as cute as you," she replies, "Just imagine how our kids will look. Cuteness overload." - "You would have kids with me?" I ask her. "Of course. You would be a great father," she giggles. Since my dad left I look after my siblings like a dad and I can't wait to have kids too. Especially with Emma.

"I'm tired," Emma says after a few minutes. "Let's sleep," I tell her and turn the tv and the lights off. I lay down next to her and put my arms around her. "I love you," she whispers. I kiss her softly, "I love you too."

Emma quickly falls asleep. She looks so peaceful. I give her a kiss on the forehead and fall asleep as well.

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