Chapter 14

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Emma's POV

The day has come. Ashton has to leave for tour. I'm currently at his house sitting on his bed and watching him pack his suitcase. Saying goodbye won't be easy for either of us.

His mom comes into the room. "We have to leave in ten minutes," she says. Ashton nods and closes his suitcase. He sits down next to me and kisses my forehead. "Are you ready?" I ask him. "Yeah," he answers. We walk downstaires and get into the car. Ashton's mom is driving, he's sitting on the passenger seat and Harry, Lauren and me are sitting in the back.

As we arrive at the airport we greet the others. Luke, Michael, Calum, their families and Holly. By the way Michael and the waitress only end up hooking up. I guess he isn't much of a relationship guy.

It's time to say goodbye. Ashton gets down on his knees to give his little brother a hug. Harry begins to cry. "Don't cry, Harry. I'm back soon," Ashton says trying to calm him down. Next he says goodbye to Lauren and after that he hugs his mom. "I'll miss you. Have fun, Ash," she tells him.

I say goodbye to Luke, Michael and Calum and give all of them a big hug. "Have fun and take care of Ashton," I say. "We will," Luke smiles. "We'll miss you, Em," Michael tells. They say goodbye to their families as well.

Ashton looks at me and pulls me into a hug as I start crying. "I already miss you, baby," he whispers. "I love you so much. Please don't leave me again," I say as tears stream down my face. "I'll never break up with you again," Ashton says and tears begin to form in his eyes as well. I slighty smile and say, "Have fun, baby." - "See you soon. I love you," he replies.

"We have to go," Calum shouts. Ashton and I kiss for the last time. And that's it. They're gone for seven months.

As soon as we get into the car I receive a text.

From: Ashton

I love you. Don't ever forget that x

I lean my head against the window and remember all the memories Ashton and I shared together.


A few days ago I met Ashton. It doesn't happen every day that I talk to a stranger but as soon as I looked into his eyes I felt something. Something that I've never felt before.

It's a calm sunday morning and I decide to go for a run on the beach. It's always good to free my mind from everything. My family is still asleep. I take my keys and go outside. It's early in the morning so the the beach is pretty much empty. I enjoy the view of the sea and breathe in the fresh air before I start running.

Suddenly I bump into someone almost falling but he catches me. "I'm so sorry," I say to the stranger. I look up to see his beautiful hazel eyes. "Hello there," he chuckles. It's Ashton. "I didn't see you coming," I tell him. "We're like the only people on this beach and you're bumping into me," Ashton says teasingly. "What a coincidence," I smile. "If you don't mind we can run together," he says. "We also can sit down somewhere. It's better for talking," I say. "That's true," he smiles.We walk to a nice spot and sit down on the sand.

"I didn't know you jog," I tell him. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me," Ashton replies. I blush, "I'd love to find them out as well." - "If I can find out yours," he grins. There's this feeling again. This feeling when I'm around Ashton. It feels like butterflies in my stomach. I only met Ashton a few days ago and we barely know eachother. I can't be in love with him.

"Tell me something about you," Ashton says as he smiles at me. "Well, my full name is Emma Grace Clarke. I'm 17 years old and I just became a senior in high school. I have a little sister called Hannah. I can play the guitar and a little bit piano," I tell him, "Your turn." - "Full name is Ashton Fletcher Irwin. I'm 18 and graduated last year. I have two siblings, Lauren and Harry. I can play the drums as you probably know and guitar a little bit," he smiles. When we met at Starbucks we were talking about all kinds of stuff but never about our lifes.

We continue talking and it feels like we've known eachother for a few years. It's incredible how one person can change your life so quickly. My phone rings and I answer it. "Where are you?" my mom asks. "I went for a run and met a friend. I'm home soon," I tell her and hang up. "That was my mom. I have to go now," I say to Ashton. "I'll take you home," he stands up and helps me get up as well.

"I'd like to take you to dinner or something soon," Ashton grins as we walk to my house. I blush, "That would be great." We arrive at my house and say goodbye.

"Hi, cutie," my mom greets me, "Who was that boy?" - "Just a friend," I answer. "It doesn't seem like he's just a friend by the way you two looked at eachother," she smirks and I blush.

I go into my room and my phone rings.

From: Ashton

I hope you don't have plans tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at 7 x

*End of flashback*

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