Chapter 17

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Emma's POV

I'm currently on the way to the airport to visit the boys. "I'm glad you and Ashton are dating again. He makes you really happy," my mom says while driving. "He does," I smile, "I never thought that someone could change my life so much."

Arriving at the airport I say goodbye to my mom. "Have fun, honey," she says. I check in and because the plane leaves in an hour I go to Starbucks. The last time I saw Ashton was a few weeks ago when he surprised me. If you would ask me what the best thing a boy could do for a girl is then I would tell you what Ashton has done for me. He flew all the way from America to Australia just to spend my birthday with me.

I decide to text Ashton before I go on the plane.

To: Ashton

The plane takes off in a few minutes. I love you x

From: Ashton

I'll pick you up at the airport. Have a safe flight. I love you too x

I put my phone in my bag and search my seat on the plane.

A few hours later I arrive at the airport. After I found my suitcase I search for Ashton. The hall is crowded. It's hard to find him. Just as I want to call him I receive a text.

From: Ashton

Turn around x

I turn around and there he is. Standing there with some roses and a big smile on his face. "Ash," I smile and hug him tightly. "I missed you," he whispers. We kiss and I can feel other people staring at us. But I don't care because I have my boyfriend back. "I'm glad you're here," Ashton tells me.

We walk outside to the car and drive to the hotel. The boys actually have a day off today so I can spend the rest of it with Ashton. Arriving at the hotel I'm greeted by Luke, Calum and Michael. "Emma!" they shout and I hug them. "We're going to dinner with the 1D lads. Do you want to join us? I think their girlfriends will also be there," Calum says. "Of course. Oh my god I will meet One Direction," I freak out as the boys laugh.

Ashton and I share a room and I change into something more fancy. We leave the hotel and go to a restaurant where Liam, Sophia, Louis, Eleanor, Harry, Niall and Zayn already are. This can't be true. I'm eating dinner with the two most popular bands. "You must be Emma. Ashton told us a lot about you," Harry chuckles and gives me a hug. "I hope only good things," I tell him. "Of course," Ashton winks. I greet the other boys as well and we take a seat.

I sit between Ashton and Eleanor. Apparently Perrie can't be here because she's busy with Little Mix. I'm happy to say that I get along with Sophia and Eleanor very well. We will have a great time together. Ashton and I exchange a few looks during the dinner but I can tell that he just wants to spend time with me. Alone.

After the dinner we all go back to the hotel and say goodbye. Shortly after Ashton closes the door behind him he says, "Finally we're alone." I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you so much," he says while staring into my eyes. "I love you more," I tell him. "Oh really?" he smirks, "Show me." And with that I kiss him and lead him to the bed.

School starts next week and this story is almost over. I hope you like it so far and thank you for reading.

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