Chapter 16 - step- siblings yet? -

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Song - when did you know - EBEN
(I miss you and the boys 😪)

Soooo... in the 24th of Oct I went to go see why don't we (and eben) with my two friends, it was honestly the best night, that was my second time I've been and definitely the best time!
I miss them a lot 😪 like A LOTTTT , we got to meet Jonah eben and Daniel after the concert, I got a pic with Jonah and eben and Daniel came out to get are poster we made because it was so big security wouldn't let us hold it up 😂 so we waited till the end to give it to them!

Thought I would just share how good it was ;) and I can't wait for Europe 8 letters tickets come out! Because this time I wanna meet all of them 😭😍

Let's get starteddddd....

Amy's POV:

When we got to the beach it was so pretty! No one was really on it, I'm not sure why because normally it's packed with people, it's quite nice though, nice and quiet.

Amy: wow it's so nice!

Jack: I mean yeah, it's pretty special...

Amy: how come?

Jack: well this is the first place us and the boys went too when we first made the band! This is where we made up the name.

Amy: wow that is pretty special...

Jack: yeah.

Me and jack were just sat on the sand watching the waves crash to the sand.

Jack: so your dad... and my mum

Amy: yeah? What about them?

Jack: do you think they will ever get married?

Amy: I mean... hopefully but Idk. Your mum is so nice but I don't really want them to get married and be official yet you know?

Jack: yeah same... so we technically aren't step- siblings?

Amy: we kinda are but not official.

Jack: yeah. I wish we weren't.

Amy: why?

Jack: well.. your so beautiful and funny, like if I could I would really like you and want you to be my girlfriend but we can't.

Amy: that's the same with me.

Jack: really?

Amy: yeah, in my head I've been thinking if I like you or not but my mind keeps telling me I can't like you like that.

Jack: yeah, fair enough, we can't do that to are parents.

It was awkward silence for a while.

Jack: so shall we go to the fair?

Amy: yeah sure!

We went to the fair it was like a 3 min walk, the first thing he wanted to take me on was the fairest wheel...

I was still thinking about what we were talking about earlier. I think I do like him!! Ughhhhh

When the wheel stopped at the top he looked at me. Right. In. The. Eyes.


He slowly leaned in, I knew what was happening, as much as I wanted too I couldn't! But it happened!?!?!? OMG what have I done... NO what have WE done?!?!?

He pulled away and I looked at him in shock...

Amy: wha-what was that for?

Jack: nothing I just wanted too... I'm sorry.

Amy: it's fine, I don't mind but are pare-

Jack: I know, but we aren't step siblings yetttt... so it wouldn't hurt just to kiss.

Amy: that's true...

We just both smiled at each other and he held my hand, we got off the ride and a crowd of crazy teenage girls came running and surrounding us eating pictures and that...

But then I was thinking... were they there the whole time?

Did they see that??


Stepbrother- jack Avery -Where stories live. Discover now