Chapter 17 - fans -

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Song- miss you by Gabrielle Aplin

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Amy's POV:

I kinda stood there awkwardly whilst jack was talking too all these pretty girls and getting pictures with them, kissing them on the cheek and stuff, ngl I got kinda jealous.

Jack kept looking at me whilst I was just standing away from the crowd of girls, I could tell he felt bad.

A few girls came up to me and took pictures with me even though they didn't know who I was, I guess I was hanging out with jack so they are like "omg she knows him let's get a pic" 😂

After about 10 mins jack was almost done with all the girls but this one girl came up too me and asked if we were going out.

Fan: hey, are you and jack dating?

Amy: no he's my step brother why?

Fan: what? I saw you guys kissing look...

She then showed her phone of a pic of us kissing.

Amy: delete that now!

Fan: i didn't take it, some other fans got the pic and sent it to me!

Amy: who are these other fans and how many?

Fan: I don't know, about 3

At this point I was getting really worried, what if they post it! Omg that will ruin everything, my dads relationship, the boys will probs hate me, ugh why is life so fking hard sometimes.

I was getting rlly annoyed at all these fans not letting jack go so I literally grabbed jack by the wrist and pulled him away, he waved goodbye and all of them screamed "BYEE"

Jack: damn

Amy: JACK!!!

Jack: what's up?

Amy: a few fans got pics of us kissing and is sending it to a load of other fans!

Jack: really? Oh shit

Amy: yeah! This is going to ruin everything ugh!

Jack: I'm sorry Amy!

Amy: it's fine, it's not just your fault it's mine too! We shouldn't of kissed though, that's just wrong! We are step siblings!

Jack: I know :(

After I basically shouted at him he was really down the whole way back to the car and whilst driving we didn't talk at all!

We got home and when we walked in the boys were all sat on the couch just sitting there...

Jack: um hi guys?

Corbyn: you guys need to sit down now!

Amy: damn alright you sound like my dad lol

Jonah some reason looked really angry, not gonna lie they all did.

Daniel: so basically we saw the pics...

Jonah: of you guys kissing!!!! Wtf that's like messed up

Jack: I know I know!

Zach: what are you guys then, step siblings or something else

Amy: just step siblings! Nothing else that would just be wrong and I wouldn't do that to my dad! We would never be something!

I could tell that made jack rlly upset, he got up and went angrily to his room, I guess I did go quite harsh...

Corbyn: damn Amy that was a bit...

Amy: IK Corbyn! I'm just really worried.

I got up and when to jack room I knocked but no one replied. I just opened the door and saw jack just sitting on his phone looking upset...

Amy: ja...

Jack: no Amy I get it, you don't ever wanna be with me...

Amy: it's not that jack! If I could I rlly would but you know we can't!

Jack: I know I'm sorry, I just need some time to think, and please don't come after me.

He got up and took his phone out his shoes on and left the house I ran downstairs and all the boys were sitting there confused at what just happened...

Stepbrother- jack Avery -Where stories live. Discover now